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Shipment of goods in subject [X]
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1Title:  Received, Philadelphia [blank] in good order, of Thomas Harper, agent for [blank] in a waggon owned by [blank] of [blank]: which I promise to deliver, in like good order, within [blank] days, from this date, in Pittsburg [i.e. Pittsburgh], Pennsylvania, to [blank] or to [blank] assigns [blank] paying me, on delivery of the same, at the rate of [blank] cents per pound weight    
 Creator:  Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Transporting Company 
 Notes:  "No. 308, Market-street." Form receipt. 
 Call #:  O.51 
 Extent:  1 sheet ([1] page) ; 26 x 21 cm 
 Subjects:  Harper, Thomas | Cramer, Spear, and Eichbaum | Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Transporting Company | Shipment of goods | Transportation -- Pennsylvania | Wagon trains -- Pennsylvania | Philadelphia (Pa.) | Pittsburgh (Pa.) | Broadsides | Contracts
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