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| Manuscript Collection | Save | 942 | Title: | United Spanish War Veterans, Camp No. 110 Records
| | | Creator: | United Spanish War Veterans, Camp No. 110 | | | Dates: | 1923-1961 | | | Abstract: | The United Spanish War Veterans, Camp No. 110, was the local branch of the United Spanish War Veterans organized in Lakewood, a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1928. The collection consists of a charter (1928), membership book (ca. 1923-1961), and minute book (1952-1961). | | | Call #: | MS 3330 | | | Extent: | 0.20 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | United Spanish War Veterans. Major Albert D. Alcorn's Camp No. 110 (Lakewood, Ohio) | Spanish-American War, 1898 -- Societies, etc. | Veterans -- Ohio -- Lakewood -- Societies, etc.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 943 | Title: | James H. Eastburn Diary
| | | Creator: | Eastburn, James H. | | | Dates: | 1862-1865 | | | Abstract: | James H. Eastburn, of Sheldon, Illinois, was a soldier in Company E, 76th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, during the American Civil War. the collection consists of a diary containing 33 photographs of members of the 76th Illinois Volunteer Infantry and Eastburn's comments on daily activities, camp life and military engagements. | | | Call #: | MS 3331 | | | Extent: | 0.20 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Eastburn, James H. | United States. Army. Illinois Infantry Regiment, 76th (1862-1865) | United States. Army -- Military life. | Soldiers -- Illinois -- Miscellanea. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 945 | Title: | Eugene Changey Papers
| | | Creator: | Changey, Eugene | | | Dates: | 1962-1976 | | | Abstract: | Eugene F. Changey (1920-1994) was born in Steubenville, Ohio, and resided in Maple Heights, Ohio, until his death. He quit high school at 16 years old to help support his family and incurred multiple nervous breakdowns and confinement in mental institutions in the following years. He spent his time reading the Bible religiously and sending letters and books to editors and publishers over the world. The collection consists of correspondence to and from Eugene Changey relating to religious matters and spreading the message of God, and two books. | | | Call #: | MS 3333 | | | Extent: | 0.40 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Changey, Eugene, 1920-1994. | Mentally ill, Writings of the, American. | Mentally ill -- Religious life. | Evangelistic work. | Christian literature. | Spirit writings.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 946 | Title: | Rosemary Hughes Letters
| | | Creator: | Hughes, Rosemary | | | Dates: | 1939-1941 | | | Abstract: | Rosemary Huges was a music student and government clerk in London, England. She was also secretary of the English Speaking Union's Dartmouth House branch in London. The collection consists of letters addressed to Winifred Brooker of Cleveland, Ohio, concerning events during the early months of World War II. | | | Call #: | MS 3336 | | | Extent: | 0.10 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Hughes, Rosemary. | World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, British.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 948 | Title: | Ralph Sidney Locher Papers
| | | Creator: | Locher, Ralph Sidney | | | Dates: | 1949-1967 | | | Abstract: | Ralph Locher (1915-2004) was the Democratic Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio (1962-1967) who became a Judge of the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas (1968-1972), of the County Probate Court (1972-1976), and of the Ohio Supreme Court for two terms beginning in 1976. The collection consists of correspondence, speeches, notes, reports, certificates, and miscellaneous printed material dealing with Locher's administrative and political concerns, particularly as Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio. | | | Call #: | MS 3337 | | | Extent: | 9.00 linear feet (24 containers) | | | Subjects: | Locher, Ralph S., (Ralph Sidney) 1915- | Cleveland (Ohio). Mayor. | School integration -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Minorities -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Political activity. | Elections -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 952 | Title: | Harvey Huntington Brown Papers
| | | Creator: | Brown, Harvey Huntington | | | Dates: | 1840-1910 | | | Abstract: | Harvey Huntington Brown (1848-1923) was a Cleveland, Ohio, shipper, manufacturer and financier who was involved in the iron ore and lake shipping businesses. He owned Harvey H. Brown & Co. The collection consists of letters to Brown from shippers, bankers and manufacturers throughout the Midwest concerning his lake shipping and iron ore businesses and his civic, charitable and club activities, and letters from Brown, announcements, forms, bills, paid invoices, newspaper clippings and warranty deeds. | | | Call #: | MS 3342 | | | Extent: | 1.20 linear feet (3 containers) | | | Subjects: | Brown, Harvey Huntington, 1848-1923. | Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Iron industry and trade -- United States. | Inland water transportation -- Great Lakes. | Inland waterway vessels -- Great Lakes. | Lake steamers -- Great Lakes. | Shipping -- Superior, Lake.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 953 | Title: | Asa A. Lawrence Papers
| | | Creator: | Lawrence, Asa A. | | | Dates: | 1786-1916 | | | Abstract: | Asa A. Lawrence (1835-1916) was a Captain in the 32nd Regiment, Missouri Infantry, during the American Civil War. He was later active in the Freedman's Bureau and in Maryland Republican Party politics. The collection consists of correspondence, cashbooks, diaries, financial receipts, land surveys, deeds, and photographs, most of which deal with Captain Lawrence's Civil War service. | | | Call #: | MS 3343 | | | Extent: | 0.80 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Lawrence, Asa A., 1835-1916. | United States. Army. Missouri Infantry Regiment, 32nd. | Soldiers -- Missouri -- Miscellanea. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 954 | Title: | Echlin P. Gayer Genealogical Papers
| | | Creator: | Gayer, Echlin P. | | | Dates: | 1910-1950 | | | Abstract: | Echlin P. Gayer was a New York City resident and amateur genealogist who researched his family history. The collection consists of memoranda, letters, copies of documents, notebooks, and printed material relating to the genealogy of the Gayer, Gorham and Phelps families. | | | Call #: | MS 3344 | | | Extent: | 1.70 linear feet (4 containers and 1 oversize package) | | | Subjects: | Gayer, Echlin P. | Gayer family. | Gorham family. | Phelps family.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 956 | Title: | Harry Church Oberholser Papers
| | | Creator: | Oberholser, Harry Church | | | Dates: | 1864-1963 | | | Abstract: | Harry Church Oberholser (1870-1963) was an ornithologist who worked in the Fish and Wildlife Service of the United States Department of the Interior (1895-1941) and was curator of ornithology at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in Cleveland, Ohio. the collection consists of correspondence, financial statements, research notes, biographical sketches, photographs, copies of published articles, and other papers relating to Dr. Oberholser and ornithology. | | | Call #: | MS 3346 | | | Extent: | 1.80 linear feet (5 containers) | | | Subjects: | Oberholser, Harry Church, 1870-1963. | Ornithology -- United States. | Ornithologists -- Ohio -- Correspondence.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 957 | Title: | William Van Sittert Papers
| | | Creator: | Van Sittert, William | | | Dates: | 1905-1923 | | | Abstract: | William Van Sittert (d. 1930) was a salesman at Burrows Bros. bookstore in Cleveland, Ohio. He prepared several maps and a bibliography of Commodore Perry's victory at the Battle of Lake Erie on September 10, 1813 during the War of 1812. The collection consists of a typescript of Van Sittert's unpublished "Bibliography of the Battle of Lake Erie and of the principal officers in the action," letters relating to its compilation, and newspaper clippings on the centennial celebration of the battle in 1913. | | | Call #: | MS 3347 | | | Extent: | 1.20 linear feet (3 containers) | | | Subjects: | Van Sittert, William, d. 1930. | Perry, Oliver Hazard, 1785-1819. | Lake Erie, Battle of, 1813 -- Centennial celebrations, etc. | Lake Erie, Battle of, 1813 -- Bibliography. | United States -- History -- War of 1812 -- Campaigns. | Ohio -- History -- War of 1812.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 958 | Title: | John P. Agenbroad Papers
| | | Creator: | Agenbroad, John P. | | | Dates: | 1843-1909 | | | Abstract: | John P. Agenbroad (1822-1912) was a minister who graduated from Granville College (1850) and Newton Theological Seminary (1853), and was ordained in Marietta, Ohio, in 1853. He preached in Urbana, Troy, Akron, and Mount Washington, Ohio. He later served in Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin before retiring in Dayton, Ohio, in 1884. The collection consists of copies of sermons, and several letters and commissions. | | | Call #: | MS 3348 | | | Extent: | 1.00 linear feet (3 containers) | | | Subjects: | Agenbroad, John P., 1822-1912. | Clergy -- United States -- Miscellanea. | Sermons, American.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 960 | Title: | Frederick J. and Samuel B. Prentiss Papers
| | | Creator: | Prentiss, Frederick and Samuel | | | Dates: | 1825-1888 | | | Abstract: | Frederick (1816-1895) and Samuel (1807-1894) Prentiss were brothers and partners in a Cleveland, Ohio, law firm, S.B. & F.J. Prentiss. Frederick later became Clerk of the Common Pleas and District Courts, while Samuel became Judge of the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas (1867-1882). The collection consists of correspondence, legal records and financial papers relating to the Prentiss brothers' law firm and its client transactions; and family correspondence. | | | Call #: | MS 3350 | | | Extent: | 6.80 linear feet (18 containers) | | | Subjects: | Prentiss family. | Prentiss, Frederick James, 1816-1895. | Prentiss, Samuel Blake, 1807-1894. | Legal documents -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Law firms -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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