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Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (231)
Charities -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (123)
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. (114)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. (87)
African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (85)
Clubs -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (81)
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Charities. (64)
Women -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs. (62)
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. (59)
Soldiers -- Ohio -- Correspondence. (55)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations. (52)
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland (50)
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources. (44)
Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (41)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Genealogy. (39)
Church records and registers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (37)
Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. (37)
Jewish women -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (35)
Friendly societies -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (34)
Jewish women -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs. (33)
Registers of births, etc. -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (33)
Women -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (31)
Churches -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (30)
Irish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (30)
Philanthropists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (30)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social conditions. (29)
Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (28)
Lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (28)
Jewish Community Federation (Cleveland, Ohio) (27)
Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (26)
Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (26)
Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (26)
Czech Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (25)
Endowments -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (25)
Clothing trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (24)
Europe -- Description and travel -- 1800-1918. (24)
Jews -- Education -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (24)
Rabbis -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (24)
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Registers. (24)
Charities -- Ohio -- Cleveland (23)
Cleveland (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. (22)
Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (22)
Zionism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (22)
Jewish businesspeople -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (21)
Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (21)
Business enterprises -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (20)
Connecticut Land Company. (20)
Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (20)
Reform Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (20)
Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Organization and administration. (20)
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1901Title:  Thomas Saxton Ireland Papers     
 Creator:  Ireland, Thomas Saxton 
 Dates:  1879-1969 
 Abstract:  Thomas Saxton Ireland (1895-1969) was a Cleveland, Ohio, politician, lawyer and writer who ran as a conservative Republican candidate for the office of mayor of Cleveland, 1959, as well as numerous other political offices. He was a correspondent for the Plain dealer and several other newspapers and authored a number of books, including several on the Saint Lawrence Seaway and one on the Sam Sheppard murder case. The collection consists of materials relating to Ireland's many political campaigns, manuscripts of published and unpublished books, correspondence, drafts of newspaper articles, scrapbooks, genealogical materials relating to his family, various certificates and personal miscellany. The collection is useful for understanding Ireland's ardent advocacy of the Saint Lawrence Seaway, his mayoral campaign and other political activities, and his attitudes as a conservative Republican in the 1950s and 1960s. Also included are some materials which reflect the rampant anti-communist sentiment of the period. 
 Call #:  MS 4312 
 Extent:  5.61 linear feet (14 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Ireland, Thomas Saxton, 1895-1969. | Sheppard, Sam | Ireland family. | Holland family. | Republican Party (Ohio) | Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Political campaigns -- Ohio. | Conservatism -- United States. | Anti-communist movements -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Children -- Employment -- United States. | Eastern question (Far East) | Cold War. | Saint Lawrence Seaway. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century. | United States -- Social policy.
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1902Title:  Robert H. and Marjorie Jamison Papers     
 Creator:  Jamison, Robert H. and Margorie 
 Dates:  1917-1957 
 Abstract:  Robert H. Jamison was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer who was active in many area organizations, including the Regional Planning Commission, Cleveland Public Library Board, Welfare Fund, Cleveland Board of Education, Cleveland Bar Association, YMCA, and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. His wife, Marjorie Jamison, was active in the Book and Thimble Club and helped to organize a special committee of the Cleveland USO during World War II to provide traveler's aid to servicemen. The collection consists of Robert Jamison's World War I artillery manuals and notes, minutes of the special committee of the Cleveland Council U.S.O. and a small amount of U.S.O. correspondence, and one newsletter each from the Cleveland Bar Association and the Book and Thimble Club. 
 Call #:  MS 4313 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Jamison, Robert Huddle, 1884-1965. | Jamison, Marjorie, d. 1975. | United States. Army. Artillery -- Drill and tacts. | Cleveland Council U.S.O. (Cleveland, Ohio) | World War, 1939-1945 -- War work -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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1903Title:  American Society for Metals Records     
 Creator:  American Society for Metals 
 Dates:  1963 
 Abstract:  The American Society for Metals is an organization founded in 1920 and devoted to the promotion of the arts and sciences associated with the manufacture and treatment of metals. The collection consists of a 97-page photocopied draft of the Society's history. 
 Call #:  MS 4314 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  American Society for Metals -- History. | Trade and professional associations -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History.
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1904Title:  Payne Fund, Inc., Records     
 Creator:  Payne Fund, Inc. 
 Dates:  1911-1976 
 Abstract:  The Payne Fund, Inc., is a charitable fund which grew out of the National Committee for the Study of Juvenile Reading (founded in 1925 by Frances Payne Bolton). The fund initially supported studies and experiments on the needs of youth, focusing especially on children's literature and the effects of movies and radio on the values of children, and the development of radio as an educational tool. In addition to its support of various programs involving youth, the fund expanded its interests to include support for medical education and interracial cooperation. The collection consists of board of directors' files, annual reports, minutes, financial files, correspondence, memoranda, printed items and clippings. Included are the files of C.K. Ogden and the Orthological Institute; records of the National Committee for the Study of Social Values in Motion Pictures and of the Motion Picture Research Council; fellowships and grants files; Negro projects-race relation files; radio project files, including the records of the National Committee on Education By Radio, the Ohio State University Bureau of Educational Research, the Ohio School of the Air and National Association of Educational Broadcasters printed materials; files of the Junior Extension University, Inc. and various subject and organizational files relating to youth programs, character development, and educational broadcasting. 
 Call #:  MS 4315 
 Extent:  79.75 linear feet (81 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  ayne Fund, Inc. -- Archives. | Endowments -- United States -- Archives. | Children -- Books and reading. | Education of children. | Educational broadcasting -- United States. | Educational radio stations -- United States. | Basic English. | Motion pictures and children. | Motion pictures -- Moral and ethical aspects. | Moral education. | Radio broadcasting -- United States. | Radio in education. | Youth. | Education.
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1905Title:  Cleveland Jaycees Records     
 Creator:  Cleveland Jaycees 
 Dates:  1947-1985 
 Abstract:  The Cleveland Jaycees is the Cleveland, Ohio, chapter of what had originally been known as the Junior Chamber of Commerce, a leadership-training and community service-oriented organization for men and women ages 18-36. The Cleveland chapter was organized in 1938 and began accepting women for full membership in 1984. The collection consists of articles of incorporation, minutes, agendas, annual reports, project reports, activity files, financial materials, correspondence, materials relating to the women's auxiliary, newsletters, news releases, clippings, and membership lists. 
 Call #:  MS 4316 
 Extent:  17.81 linear feet (20 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Cleveland Jaycees -- Archives. | Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. | Civic improvement -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Clubs -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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1906Title:  Greater Cleveland Nurses Association Records, Series II     
 Creator:  Greater Cleveland Nurses Association 
 Dates:  1918-1985 
 Abstract:  The Greater Cleveland Nurses Association is a professional organization for Cleveland, Ohio, area nurses. The collection consists of articles of incorporation, bylaws, board of directors and executive committee materials, district meeting records, correspondence, and a subject file. The collection is useful for understanding the internal operation of the association and its interest in promoting the role of nursing within the health care community. Also, the collection reflects the outside interests of members, including their political views and actions. 
 Call #:  MS 4317 
 Extent:  8.60 linear feet (10 containers) 
 Subjects:  Greater Cleveland Nurses Association -- Archives. | Nursing -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. | Nurses -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Trade and professional associations -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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1907Title:  Lana Moresky Papers     
 Creator:  Moresky, Lana 
 Dates:  1952-1988 
 Abstract:  Lana Moresky is a women's rights activist and officer of the National Organization for Women (NOW). In 1972, Moresky joined the Cleveland, Ohio NOW. By 1973 she was a member of the executive board and a state delegate, and, in 1974, Moresky became state NOW coordinator. In 1976 she was elected to a seat on the NOW national board. Moresky remained involved in NOW, particularly at the local level, throughout the 1980s, even as her political and women's rights activities increased and diversified. Her involvement included: Ohio Attorney General's Task Force on Sexism in Education, Cuyahoga County Democratic Executive Committee, Twenty-Second District Caucus chairperson, Democratic National Convention delegate, and Cleveland board member of Americans for Democratic Action. The collection includes personal files, consisting of resumes, calendars, correspondence, speeches and files re: fundraising and public relations; NOW files, consisting of local chapter files, Ohio NOW files, national NOW files, NOW ERA campaign files (hearings, press clippings and state campaign notebooks), and NOW publications; and, files pertaining to general women's issues, and events and organizations (such as abortion, day care, education, employment, International Women's Year, the Twenty-Second District Caucus, the Democratic National Conventions of 1980 and 1984). The bulk of the collection involves NOW at the local, state and national level: Cleveland NOW (women's issues subject file, publications); Heights, Cleveland-East and Hillcrest NOW files (bylaws, minutes, correspondence, financial reports); Lake-Geauga NOW files (subject file and publications re: abortion, employment, education, legislation, Phyllis Schlafly); Ohio NOW and national NOW files (administrative files, including the national conference kits, 1971-1987, and Majority Caucus files). 
 Call #:  MS 4318 
 Extent:  18.21 linear feet (20 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Moresky, Lana, 1946- -- Archives. | National Organization for Women -- Archives. | National Organization for Women. Cleveland Chapter (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Archives. | National Organization for Women. Cleveland-East Chapter -- Archives. | National Organization for Women. Hillcrest Chapter -- Archives. | National Organization for Women. Lake-Geauga Chapter -- Archives. | National Organization for Women. Heights Chapter (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) -- Archives. | Ohio National Organization for Women -- Archives. | Democratic Party. Ohio. | Feminism -- Ohio -- History -- Sources. | Feminism -- United States -- History -- Sources. | Abortion -- Law and legislation -- United States. | Child care -- United States. | Equal rights amendments -- United States. | Feminist literature -- United States. | Gay liberation movement -- United States. | Sexism -- United States. | Sex discrimination against women -- United States. | Women -- United States -- Social conditions -- 20th century. | Women -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs. | Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- United States. | Women in politics -- United States -- History -- Sources. | Women's rights. | Women -- Education -- United States. | Women -- Employment -- United States.
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1908Title:  Society Corporation Records     
 Creator:  Society Corporation 
 Dates:  1836-1987 
 Abstract:  Society Corporation was Ohio's first registered bank holding company, formed in 1958 when the Society for Savings (founded in 1849 as a mutual savings bank) was merged into Society National Bank (a stock bank organized in 1956 to provide commercial banking services as a subsidiary of Society for Savings). Myron T. Herrick was president of Society for Savings from 1894-1905 and 1908-1921. A pioneer in issuing term and capital loans during the Depression, Society was also a leader in marketing and promotional methods for attracting new depositors. The unprecedented unification of Society for Savings and Society National Bank in 1958 was orchestrated by president Mervin B. France. Litigation regarding the merger was not settled until 1962. By 1989, Society Corporation had affiliates in four regions of Ohio and controlled assets of over $9 billion. Its most formidable acquisition was that of Centran Corporation in 1985, itself a regional multi-bank holding company. The collection consists of records of the Society for Savings, Society National Bank, and Society Corporation, including acts of incorporation, charters and bylaws, histories, passbooks, personal papers of past presidents (especially Samuel H. Mather), minutes of trustees' and annual meetings from 1849, annual financial reports and quarterly statements, ledger books, administrative and secretarial files, bank newsletters, news and publicity releases, and scrapbooks. Included are files on bank "runs", World War I Liberty Loan drives, 1955 legislative activity regarding the formation of Society National Bank, the merger of Society for Savings into Society National Bank and the creation of Society Corporation. The collection also contains branch acquisition files and files of affiliate acquisitions, i.e. Centran Corporation and Central National Bank of Cleveland. Of particular note are reports on attracting new depositors, public relations and advertising files, and material on the construction and renovation of Society's headquarters. Also included are records of the law firm of Mather & Strong, the Cleveland Mutual Insurance Co, and Levi Sartwell, general agent of the Neil Stageline. 
 Call #:  MS 4319 
 Extent:  75.20 linear feet (89 containers, 26 oversize volumes, and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Society Corporation. | Society National Bank -- Archives. | Society for Savings -- Archives. | Central National Bank (Cleveland, Ohio). | Centran Corporation. | Financial services industry -- Ohio. | Banks and banking -- Ohio. | Banks and banking -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank holding companies -- Ohio. | Bank mergers -- Ohio. | Bank mergers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Financial institutions -- Law and legislation -- Ohio. | Savings banks -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | School savings banks -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank buildings -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank accounts -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank loans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank management -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank marketing -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Public relations -- Banks and banking -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bankers -- Ohio -- Biography. | Bankers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Biography. | World War, 1914-1918 -- Finance -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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1909Title:  Rotary Club of Cleveland Records     
 Creator:  Rotary Club of Cleveland 
 Dates:  1910-1954 
 Abstract:  The Rotary Club of Cleveland, Ohio, is a chapter (f. 1910) of the national organization, devoted to community service activities, especially helping disabled children. The Cleveland chapter helped form the national and Ohio branches of the Society for Crippled Children, and by 1954 had donated $200,000 to the Society. In 1941, Cleveland Rotarians established the Cleveland Rotary Foundation which by 1953 had spent $150,000 on various projects and had a principal of $90,000. By 1980 it was still the second largest Rotary club in the world. The collection consists of histories, constitutions, minutes, a list of charter members, correspondence, announcements, publications, and national Rotary material. 
 Call #:  MS 4320 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Rotary Club of Cleveland (Ohio) -- Archives. | Rotary International -- History. | Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. | Civic improvement -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Clubs -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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1910Title:  Western Reserve Architectural Historians Records     
 Creator:  Western Reserve Architectural Historians 
 Dates:  1964-1972 
 Abstract:  The Western Reserve Architectural Historians is the Cleveland, Ohio, chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians. The group promotes the study of architectural history and the preservation of historic architecture, with special emphasis on the Western Reserve. The collection consists of bylaws, newsletters, announcements, correspondence, and information regarding field trips sponsored by the group. The collection is helpful in understanding the formation and early development of the society and includes much information on its tours, lectures, preservation activities, etc. 
 Call #:  MS 4321 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Western Reserve Architectural Historians -- Archives. | Architectural historians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Architecture -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Architecture -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Historic buildings -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Historic buildings -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Buildings, structures, etc.
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1911Title:  Solomon Griggs Papers     
 Creator:  Griggs, Solomon 
 Dates:  1810-1868 
 Abstract:  Solomon Griggs (b. ca. 1788) was a farmer who settled in Denmark (Ashtabula County), Ohio, before 1810. The collection consists of a ledger book detailing expenses incurred while operating the farm and listing the people he paid for labor, livestock, firewood, etc.; two contracts for pledges to construct a school house; and two letters. 
 Call #:  MS 4322 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Griggs, Solomon, b. ca. 1788. | Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County. | Denmark (Ohio) -- History -- Sources.
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1912Title:  Warrensville Township School Sub-District No. 6 Minutebook     
 Creator:  Warrensville Township School Sub-District No. 6 
 Dates:  1833-1883 
 Abstract:  Warrensville Township Sub-district No. 6 was founded in 1833 in Warrensville Township, Cuyahoga County, Ohio and operated for much of the nineteenth century while the area was still mostly rural. The collection consists of a book of minutes of meetings of the school board members. 
 Call #:  MS 4323 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Warrensville Township School Sub-District No. 6 (Ohio) -- Archives. | School districts -- Ohio -- Warrensville (Township) | Education -- Ohio -- Warrensville (Township)
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1913Title:  Henry B. Ollendorff Papers     
 Creator:  Ollendorff, Henry B. 
 Dates:  1942-1984 
 Abstract:  Henry B. Ollendorff (1906-1979) was a German-born and -trained lawyer who took up social work after coming to the United States to escape Nazi Germany. Head social worker at the Friendly Inn Social Settlement in 1943 and executive director of the Neighborhood Settlement Association from 1948-1963, Ollendorff founded the Cleveland International Program, which grew into the Council of International Programs, formally established in 1956 as a social worker exchange program designed to promote international understanding. In the next 22 years, the program brought to the U.S. representatives from 105 countries. In 1978, trustees of the Council established a foundation in Ollendorff's name to continue his efforts toward world peace and friendship. The collection consists of biographical materials, speeches, drafts of speeches, correspondence, clippings, and a 1982 annual report of the Council of International Programs. The collection is useful for understanding Ollendorff's work with the council and his political views on a variety of contemporary issues. 
 Call #:  MS 4324 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Ollendorff, Henry B. 1906-1979. | Council of International Programs. | Cleveland International Program. | Social workers, Interchange of. | Exchange of persons programs.
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1914Title:  George P. Bauer Correspondence     
 Creator:  Bauer, George P. 
 Dates:  1975-1976 
 Abstract:  George P. Bauer (1899-1988) was a social worker at Hiram House, Cleveland's first settlement house established in 1896. Cleveland, Ohio, was one of the centers of the settlement-house movement in America, one of the major and most enduring reform movements of the late 19th century. They were a response to the overcrowding, impoverishment, corruption, and disease caused by the rapid industrialization and growth of many cities during the latter half of the century. They are closely identified with the various reforms of the Progressive Era in America. Unique to the movement was the attempt to produce change by working from within those areas of the city and the segments of its population affected by urban problems. By World War I, a variety of settlements in addition to Hiram House existed, each serving a distinct neighborhood. Hiram House initially served the Jewish (later Italian and then Black) community along lower Woodland Avenue in Cleveland. The settlements generally enjoyed autonomy prior to World War I, but by 1930 many came to be dependent on centralized welfare campaigns. The collection consists of correspondence between Bauer and John J. Grabowski regarding Bauer's experiences during his time at Hiram House. The correspondence includes information concerning social settlements in general, and Hiram House in particular, including the relationship between the settlement, the various ethnic groups and their churches, the Communist activities in the neighborhood, and observations on Hiram House founder George Bellamy. 
 Call #:  MS 4325 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Bauer, George P., 1899-1988. | Bellamy, George Albert, 1872-1960. | Hiram House Social Settlement (Cleveland, Ohio) | Communism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Social workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Foreign population.
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1915Title:  Lake County, County Auditor School Enumerations     
 Creator:  Lake County Auditor 
 Dates:  1842-1865 
 Abstract:  Lake County, Ohio, (f. 1840) was formed when the seven northern townships of Geauga County, and Chagrin (now Willoughby) of Cuyahoga County, withdrew from their respective counties to form Lake County. The collection consists of lists of names of youth between the ages of 5 and 21 in eleven districts of Lake County's Painesville Township, along with names of parents or guardians. Some school enumerations for Madison Village are also included. 
 Call #:  MS 4326 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Lake County (Ohio). Auditor's Office. | School census -- Ohio -- Lake County. | Madison (Lake County, Ohio) -- Census. | Painesville (Ohio : Township) -- Census.
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1916Title:  Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Cuyahoga County, Ohio Records, Series II     
 Creator:  Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Cuyahoga County, Ohio 
 Dates:  1940-1956 
 Abstract:  The Women's Christian Temperance Union was a Cuyahoga County, Ohio, women's temperance group organized in 1887 following the split in 1885 of the Woman's Christian Temperance League of Cleveland, Ohio. The Cuyahoga County W.C.T.U. supported the national W.C.T.U.'s endorsement of the Prohibition Party, while those that did not formed the Non-Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance Union (Cleveland, Ohio). Despite the decline in support for prohibition as evidenced by the repeal of the 18th Amendment in 1933, the Cuyahoga County W.C.T.U. continued to remain active throughout World War II and the following decade. The group was also involved in various charitable activities. The collection consists of minutes of regular monthly meetings, as well as executive committee meetings, quarterly and annual conventions, and occasional special meetings. Included are lists of nominated committee directors, committee reports, local union reports, treasurer's reports, election material, reports on fundraising projects, and newsletters (1949-1950). The collection pertains to the attitude and activities of the WCTU during World War II and the following decade, and deals with issues such as scientific temperance education in Cleveland's public schools, prohibiting liquor advertisements in local newspapers, limiting the number of liquor permits issue, lobbying against city owned and operated liquor outlets, and the passage of state prohibition laws. 
 Call #:  MS 4327 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Cuyahoga County Woman's Christian Temperance Union -- Archives. | Temperance -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County -- Societies, etc. -- Archives. | Temperance -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County -- History -- Sources. | Women -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County -- Societies and clubs -- Archives. | Prohibition -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County -- History -- Sources. | Liquor laws -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | License system -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Local option -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Advertising -- Alcoholic beverages -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County
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1917Title:  Marvin E. Stow Diary     
 Creator:  Stow, Marvin E. 
 Dates:  1848 
 Abstract:  Marvin E. Stow was a livestock farmer of Strongsville (Cuyahoga County), Ohio, in the nineteenth century. The collection consists of a single bound volume which describes daily farm life, the weather, and such social events as deaths, sickness, guests, and visits to Cleveland, Ohio. 
 Call #:  MS 4328 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Stow, Marvin E. | Farm life -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Strongsville (Ohio) -- Social life and customs. | Strongsville (Ohio) -- Biography.
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1918Title:  Calvin Smith Papers     
 Creator:  Smith, Calvin 
 Dates:  1855-1986 
 Abstract:  Calvin Smith (1813-1859) was an evangelist and minister of the Disciples of Christ who lived in Trumbull County, Ohio. the collection consists of an 1855 diary of Smith which recounts his life and work as a minister, testimonials to Smith after his death, and obituaries of various Trumbull County residents. 
 Call #:  MS 4329 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Smith, Calvin, 1813-1859. | Disciples of Christ -- Ohio -- Western Reserve -- Clergy -- Diaries. | Obituaries -- Ohio -- Trumbull County. | Trumbull County (Ohio) -- Church history -- Sources. | Trumbull County (Ohio) -- Biography. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- Church history -- Sources.
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1919Title:  George Bishop Papers     
 Creator:  Bishop, George 
 Dates:  1917-1926 
 Abstract:  George E. Bishop (ca. 1869-1948) was a Cleveland, Ohio, dentist and inventor who received Canadian patents for automobile side window curtains and enclosures from 1917-1923. Bishop sold the patent rights to General Motors in 1923. The collection consists of patents and patent applications to the government of Canada, correspondence, and a contract with General Motors. The patents pertain to Bishop's innovations in automobile side window valence and curtain rods, and automobile enclosures. The patents include mechanical design drawings. 
 Call #:  MS 4330 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Bishop, George E., ca. 1869-1948. | Inventors -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Automobiles -- Technological innovations. | Automobiles -- Equipment and supplies -- Patents. | Patents -- Canada.
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1920Title:  William M. Davis Papers     
 Creator:  Davis, William M. 
 Dates:  1914-1919 
 Abstract:  William M. Davis was an engineer who helped White Motors build an aircraft engine for the Burgess Company of Marblehead, Massachusetts. The collection consists of correspondence, mechanical drawings, and magazine articles relating to the technical development of early aircraft engines. 
 Call #:  MS 4331 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Davis, William M. | Airplanes -- Motors. | Aircraft industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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