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| Manuscript Collection | Save | 1862 | Title: | John Flavel Morse Speeches
| | | Creator: | Morse, John Flavel | | | Dates: | undated | | | Abstract: | John Flavel Morese (1810-1884) was a Lake County, Ohio, representative to the Ohio General Assembly, 1839-1860, and Speaker of the Ohio House, 1851. He was elected to the Ohio Senate in 1860, enlisted in the union army in 1861 and served in the Treasury Dept., 1862-1876, supervising the construction of federal projects such as custom houses at New Orleans, New York, and Richmond, and federal mints at San Francisco and Carson City. The collection consists of four undated speeches delivered to the Ohio General Assembly and covering general political issues of the times, with specific views on the states' rights controversy, the role of labor in the 19th century and the positions of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton on the Federalist-Antifederalist debate. Also included are handwritten transcripts made by a family member and miscellaneous draft sheets for the speeches. | | | Call #: | MS 4273 | | | Extent: | 0.20 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Morse, John Flavel, 1810-1884. | State rights -- United States. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1849-1861. | Ohio -- Politics and government -- 1775-1865.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1863 | Title: | Ralph Rudd Papers
| | | Creator: | Rudd, Ralph | | | Dates: | 1957-1962 | | | Abstract: | Ralph Rudd (b. 1915) was a state legislator from Lake County, Ohio, 19591962. Rudd championed numerous liberal causes such as unemployment compensation, minimum wage laws, workers' compensation, and the abolition of capital punishment. He also served as director of the Cleveland Civil Liberties Union and on the board of directors of the Ohio Consumers League. The collection consists of correspondence, news releases, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous material relating to legislation of interest to Rudd, to his 1960 Republican opponent, C. Lee Mantle, and other topics. The collection pertains to Rudd's activities as a state representative and to legislation relating to such areas as unemployment compensation, school finance, capital punishment, and the Ohio Fair Employment Practices Commission. | | | Call #: | MS 4274 | | | Extent: | 4.00 linear feet (4 containers) | | | Subjects: | Rudd, Ralph, 1915- | Fair Employment Practices Commission (Ohio) | Legislators -- Ohio. | Politicians -- Ohio -- Lake County. | Discrimination in employment -- Law and legislation -- Ohio. | Education -- Finance -- Law and legislation -- Ohio. | Capital punishment -- Ohio. | Insurance, Unemployment -- Law and legislation -- Ohio. | Workers' compensation -- Law and legislation -- Ohio. | Ohio -- Politics and government -- 1951-
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1864 | Title: | Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America, Locals 128, 129, 219, and 867 Records
| | | Creator: | Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America, Locals 128, 129, 219, and 867 | | | Dates: | 1897-1985 | | | Abstract: | The Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers of America had several Cleveland, Ohio, locals of this national labor union. Local 128 is composed of paperhangers and was founded in 1897. Local 129 represented fresco painters and included a large German membership. It was absorbed into Local 428 in 1985. In 1969 the name of the union was changed to the International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades. The collection consists of union minutes, dues books and records, apprentice dues books, sick and death benefit records, financial records, correspondence and miscellaneous materials. | | | Call #: | MS 4275 | | | Extent: | 14.60 linear feet (14 containers and 9 oversize volumes) | | | Subjects: | International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades. Local 128 (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Archives. | International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades. Local 129 (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Archives. | International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades. Local 219 (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Archives. | International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades. Local 867 (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Archives. | Painters, Industrial -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Paperhangers -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Interior decorators -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | German Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1865 | Title: | Cleveland Mayoral Papers
| | | Creator: | City of Cleveland, Office of the Mayor | | | Dates: | 1937-1953 | | | Abstract: | The collection consists of records produced during the administrations of Cleveland, Ohio, mayors Blythin, Lausche and Burke, 1941-1953. The collection includes correspondence, reports, budget statements, blueprints and maps from various projects during the administrations of these three mayors. The collection pertains to the government of Cleveland during this period, and to the relevant political and social issues occurring at the time. Included within the collection are records relating to race relations, water fluoridation, national security, civic improvements, the 1948 World Series, and the Cleveland bingo controversy. | | | Call #: | MS 4276 | | | Extent: | 4.40 linear feet (5 containers) | | | Subjects: | Local transit -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Mayors -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Transit strike, Cleveland, Ohio, 1943-1944. | Veterans -- Housing -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Public utilities -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Housing -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bingo -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | City planning -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Water -- Fluoridation -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Urban renewal -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Freedom Train. | World series (Baseball) | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Civil defense. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Public works. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Appropriations and expenditures.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1866 | Title: | Allen E. Cole Papers
| | | Creator: | Cole, Allen E. | | | Dates: | 1887-1972 | | | Abstract: | Allen E. Cole (1883-1970) was a Cleveland, Ohio, photographer who produced over 50,000 photographs of Cleveland's African American community. Cole opened his first studio in 1922, supplementing his income with commercial work and commission work for eight white-owned studios, and earned prizes and commendations at state and local exhibitions. His photographs were frequently published in The Call and Post. The collection consists of personal correspondence, which includes postcards, greeting cards, and membership cards; business correspondence, which includes bills, receipts, orders, customer lists, address book, advertising, and description of events photographed; and notebooks and appointment books. The collection pertains largely to Cole's photography business, including his struggle to earn a living during the depression. | | | Call #: | MS 4277 | | | Extent: | 1.00 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Cole, Allen E., 1883-1970. | African American photographers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History -- Sources. | Photography, Commercial -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History -- Sources.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1867 | Title: | Reserve Officers Association of the United States, Cleveland Army Chapter No. 8 Records
| | | Creator: | Reserve Officers Association of the United States, Cleveland Army Chapter No. 8 | | | Dates: | 1923-1986 | | | Abstract: | The Reserve Officers Association of the United States, Cleveland Army Chapter No. 8, is an organization of officers of reserve military units founded to promote the professional advancement of its members, support a strong military policy, and encourage patriotism among all Americans. The chapter was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1923. The collection consists of constitutions, minutes, membership information, financial records, notices of events, memoranda, correspondence, and state and national units records, including material from Cleveland Navy Chapter, No. 9 and the Department of Ohio. | | | Call #: | MS 4278 | | | Extent: | 0.90 linear feet (3 containers) | | | Subjects: | Reserve Officers Association of the United States. Cleveland Army Chapter, No. 8 (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Archives. | United States -- Armed Forces -- Reserves -- Societies, etc. | United States -- Armed Forces -- Officers -- Societies, etc.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1868 | Title: | Ohio Trappers Association Records
| | | Creator: | Ohio Trappers Association | | | Dates: | 1962-1977 | | | Abstract: | The Ohio Trappers Association was organized to preserve trapping, promote the fur industry in Ohio, and conserve the state's natural fur resources. The group's name was changed temporarily in the 1970s to the Ohio Fur Harvesters when campaigns to ban fur trapping in the state became popular and, over the years, the group was also known as the Ohio State Trappers Association. The collection consists of administrative files, bulletins, anti-trapping campaign materials, and clippings relating to the association, hunting and trapping in Ohio, conservation of wildlife resources, and the anti-trapping legislative campaigns of the 1970s. | | | Call #: | MS 4279 | | | Extent: | 0.20 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Ohio Trappers Association. | Trapping -- Ohio. | Trapping -- Law and legislation -- Ohio. | Hunting -- Ohio. | Fur trade -- Ohio. | Wildlife conservation -- Ohio.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1869 | Title: | Jesse L. Gallagher Papers
| | | Creator: | Gallagher, Jesse L. | | | Dates: | 1943-1974 | | | Abstract: | Jesse L. Gallagher (1909-1980) was a noted Cleveland, Ohio, labor leader from the 1930s through the 1970s. Gallagher was one of the organizers of the American Federation of Labor and served as its regional director for Ohio and Kentucky, 1949-1955. He then became regional director for Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia with the AFL-CIO, 1955-1974. The collection consists of a biographical sketch, correspondence, certificates of achievement, a copy of the program for Gallagher's retirement banquet, and newspaper clippings. The collection pertains to the career of a major labor leader and is useful to the study of labor history. | | | Call #: | MS 4280 | | | Extent: | 0.10 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Gallagher, Jesse L., 1909-1980. | American Federation of Labor -- Officials and employees. | AFL-CIO -- Officials and employees. | Labor unions -- United States -- Officials and employees. | Labor unions -- Organizing -- United States.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1871 | Title: | Stefan Lodzieski Family Papers
| | | Creator: | Lodzieski, Stefan Family | | | Dates: | 1933-1966 | | | Abstract: | Stefan Lodzieski (ca. 1882-1951) was the founder and vice-president of the Lakewood Bakery Company of Lakewood, Ohio, and nationally prominent in twentieth century Polish-American political and cultural circles. His wife, Victoria, served as president of the Polish Welfare Association. The collection consists of correspondence, clippings, and memorabilia relating to the activities of Stefan Lodzieski and his wife, Victoria, their daughter, Elizabeth, and her husband, Capt. Stefan Sliwinski, who was captured by the Germans in World War II. | | | Call #: | MS 4282 | | | Extent: | 0.40 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Lodzieski, Stefan, ca. 1882-1951. | Lodzieski, Victoria, 1887-1950. | Sliwinski, Elizabeth Lodzieski, 1910- | Sliwinski, Stefan, 1896-1967. | Polish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1872 | Title: | Grace Goulder Izant Papers
| | | Creator: | Izant, Grace Goulder | | | Dates: | 1938-1973 | | | Abstract: | Grace Goulder Izant (d. 1984) was a Cleveland, Ohio, journalist, writer and local historian. Izant's series, "Ohio scenes and citizens", appeared weekly in the Sunday Plain Dealer, 1944-1969, and led to her book of the same title. She also wrote "This is Ohio", a collection of anecdotes for each of Ohio's counties, "John D. Rockefeller: the Cleveland years", and "Hudson's heritage", a history of Hudson, Ohio. The collection consists of research files used in her writings, including correspondence, pamphlets, and clippings relating to places, people and events in Ohio. | | | Call #: | MS 4283 | | | Extent: | 2.00 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Izant, Grace Goulder, d. 1984. | Women historians -- Ohio. | Women journalists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Ohio -- History, Local. | Ohio -- Biography. | Ohio -- Description and travel.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1873 | Title: | Buckeye-Woodland Community Congress Records
| | | Creator: | Buckeye-Woodland Community Congress | | | Dates: | 1970-1988 | | | Abstract: | The Buckeye-Woodland Community Congress was a neighborhood advocacy group which served as an umbrella organization for over 200 smaller groups in the Buckeye-Woodland area of Cleveland, Ohio, an east side Hungarian community established after 1880 which once held the largest concentration of Hungarians in the United States. By 1972, 43% of the population was African American, with 1/3rd of the Hungarian population over the age of 55. Founded to fight redlining, foreclosures, dishonest real-estate tactics, and insurance cancellations, the group sought also to ease racial tensions while promoting neighborly cooperation and civic improvement. From its founding in 1974 through the 1970s the group assisted citizens with neighborhood problems, but became inactive in the early 1980s and finally disbanded in 1988. The collection consists of minutes, articles of incorporation, constitutions, membership lists, newspaper clippings, financial papers, annual reports, agendas, correspondence, and a subject file. The collection is useful in understanding the development, daily operations, and demise of a neighborhood advocacy group, the issues they pursued, the actions they took, and the people involved. The collection reflects the group's attempts to maintain a diverse community in the face of heavy African American settlement. | | | Call #: | MS 4284 | | | Extent: | 5.20 linear feet (7 containers) | | | Subjects: | Buckeye-Woodland Community Congress -- Archives. | Neighborhood -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Community development, Urban -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations. | Buckeye-Woodland (Cleveland, Ohio)
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1874 | Title: | James C. Adell Papers
| | | Creator: | Adell, James C. | | | Dates: | 1916-1957 | | | Abstract: | James C. Adell (1887-1971) was a Cleveland, Ohio, educator and one of the organizers of the Cleveland Teachers Union. Adell served as Science Dept. chairman and director of the Educational Research Division of the Cleveland Public Schools, authored science curriculum books and participated in the design and implementation of curriculum centers in seven Cleveland senior high schools. The collection consists of correspondence, book drafts, sample tests, speeches, newspaper clippings, and other printed materials relating to the Cleveland Teachers Union and the development of the science curriculum and educational tests for the Cleveland Public Schools. In addition, there are some materials pertaining to Adell's inventions, his experience during the great depression, a journal detailing his naval training during World War I, and Wendell Willkie campaign materials. | | | Call #: | MS 4285 | | | Extent: | 2.00 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Adell, James C. (James Claude), 1887-1971. | Willkie, Wendell L. (Wendell Lewis), 1892-1944. | Cleveland Teachers Union. | Cleveland Public Schools. | Cleveland Public Schools -- Curricula. | Curriculum planning -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Educational tests and measurements -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Science -- Study and teaching -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Teachers' unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives, American. | Depressions -- 1929 -- United States.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1875 | Title: | Carl C. Byers Papers
| | | Creator: | Byers, Carl C. | | | Dates: | 1937-1966 | | | Abstract: | Carl C. Byers (1911-1969) was the Superintendent of Parma Public Schools (Parma, Ohio), 1942-1957, and well-known philosopher and humorist whose column, "Philosophun", and radio show, "Carl C. Byers Presents", espoused the principle that fun and laughter are important for success and longevity. The collection consists of biographical information, copies of Byers' writings, transcripts of Byers' radio show, correspondence, and testimonials relating to the dedication of Byers Field in Parma and Carl Byers' retirement. The collection is useful to those interested in Byers' writings, and also contains some material relating to the Parma schools in the 1940s and 1950s. | | | Call #: | MS 4286 | | | Extent: | 1.20 linear feet (3 containers) | | | Subjects: | Byers, Carl C., 1911-1969. | Parma Public Schools. | Education -- Ohio -- Parma. | Journalism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | American wit and humor -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Radio scripts. | Education. | American newspapers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Sections, columns, etc.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1876 | Title: | Frank Cesen Papers
| | | Creator: | Cesen, Frank | | | Dates: | 1907-1982 | | | Abstract: | Frank Cesen (1890-1983) was active in the Slovenian-American community of Cleveland, Ohio. He was a founder of the Ivan Cankar Dramatic Society, president of the Slovenian American National Council, wrote articles on Slovenian history and culture for newspapers and magazines, including the column "Stric Matic" in Prosveta, and was active in various Slovenian-American performing arts associations. The collection consists of minutes, correspondence, articles by Cesen, programs, clippings, manuscript of "Slovenian Americans in Cleveland," three play drafts, and a scrapbook relating to Cesen and the Cleveland Slovene community. | | | Call #: | MS 4287 | | | Extent: | 0.60 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Cesen, Frank, 1890-1983. | Slovene Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Slovene Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1877 | Title: | Forest W. Marble Genealogical Papers
| | | Creator: | Marble, Forest W. | | | Dates: | 1938-1976 | | | Abstract: | Forest W. Marble (1905-1976) was a genealogical researcher who compiled materials relating to the Marble family. He was descended from John Marble of Boston, Massachusetts. The collection consists of notes and correspondence relating to the genealogy of the Marble family and a few related families. | | | Call #: | MS 4288 | | | Extent: | 1.60 linear feet (3 containers) | | | Subjects: | Marble, Forest W., 1905-1976. | Marble family. | Marble, John, ca. 1605-1695 -- Family.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1879 | Title: | Robert Johns Bulkley Papers, Series II
| | | Creator: | Bulkley, Robert Johns | | | Dates: | 1890-1941 | | | Abstract: | Robert Johns Bulkley (1880-1965) was a pprominent Cleveland, Ohio, banker, businessman, and lawyer who served as a Democratic congressman (1910-1914) and United States Senator (1930-1939) from Ohio. As a member of the Banking and Currency Committee, he helped frame the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. During World War I he served in the legal departments of the General Munitions Board, the War Industries Board, and the U.S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corp. Bulkley was a loyal and staunch supporter of progressivism and the New Deal, and advocated the repeal of prohibition. He served as president and chairman of the board of the Morris Plan Bank of Ohio for over 30 years. The collection consists of biographical information on Bulkley, writings by Bulkley, correspondence, notes on correspondence, memoranda, newspaper clippings and releases, and miscellaneous material dealing primarily with the early period of Bulkley's Senate career and the early considerations of him as a candidate for the 1932 Democratic nomination for president. The material also deals with his service as chief legal officer for the General Munitions Board during World War I. Included is a scrapbook for the Hasty Pudding Club and a history of Society Bank, "Three score years and ten." | | | Call #: | MS 4290 | | | Extent: | 1.01 linear feet (3 containers and 1 oversize folder) | | | Subjects: | Bulkley, Robert Johns, 1880-1965. | United States. General Munitions Board. | Democratic Party (U.S.) | Society for Savings in the City of Cleveland -- History. | Hasty Pudding Club. | Legislators -- United States -- Correspondence. | Prohibition -- Ohio -- History -- Sources. | Presidential candidates -- United States. | Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1932. | United States -- Politics and government -- 1901-1953.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1880 | Title: | Cleveland Council on World Affairs Records
| | | Creator: | Cleveland Council on World Affairs | | | Dates: | 1927-1976 | | | Abstract: | The Cleveland Council on World Affairs is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization in Cleveland, Ohio, that seeks to educate the public on foreign affairs through lectures, discussions, overseas tours, and programs for students. The group was formally organized in 1921 as the Council for the Prevention of War, became the Council for the Promotion of Peace in 1923, the International Affairs Committee in 1929, the Foreign Affairs Committee in 1933, and the Cleveland Council on World Affairs in 1943. Brooks Emery was director and president, 1935-1947. The collection consists of historical information, minutes, calendars of events, committee lists, correspondence, speeches and clippings. The collection reflects the activities of the Council from its inception until 1976 and provides insights into U.S. foreign policy during that time period. Among the major issues considered was how to deal with Japan after World War II. | | | Call #: | MS 4291 | | | Extent: | 2.80 linear feet (4 containers) | | | Subjects: | Cleveland Council on World Affairs -- Archives. | International cooperation -- Societies, etc. | International relations. | World politics -- 20th century. | Pan-Pacific relations. | United States -- Foreign relations -- 20th century. | United States -- Foreign relations -- Japan. | Japan -- Foreign relations -- United States.
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