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Welsh poetry in subject [X]
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Bards and bardism (1)
Musical instruments, Welsh (1)
Welsh poetry[X]
1Title:  Musical and poetical relicks of the Welsh bards: preserved, by tradition and authentic manuscripts, from very remote antiquity; never before published. To the bardic tunes are added variations for the harp, harpsichord, violin, or flute: with a select collection of the pennillion and englynion, or, epigrammatic stanzas, poetical blossoms, and pastoral songs, of Wales, with English translations. Likewise, a general history of the bards and druids. To which is prefixed, a copious dissertation on the musical instruments of the aboriginal Britons    
 Creator:  Jones, EdwardBardd y brenin, 1752-1824 
 Publication:  Printed for the author, London,1794. 
 Notes:  A second volume was published in 1802 under title: The bardic museum. "Jones had prepared a third volume, a portion only of which was published at his death, the remainder being issued subsequently."--Grove, Dict of music. 
 Call #:  M1742 A2J 
 Extent:  2 p. Á., 183, viii p. 2 pl. (incl. front.) 35 cm. 
 Subjects:  Bards and bardism | Welsh poetry | Musical instruments, Welsh
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