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Fund raisers (Persons) -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives Records     
 Creator:  Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives 
 Dates:  1971-1994 
 Abstract:  The Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives is a Cleveland, Ohio-based professional organization concerned with professionalism and competency for all its members. The members of the organization are salaried, administrative fundraising executives for non-profit organizations, institutions, and societies. Prior to 1972 the organization was the Northern Ohio chapter of the National Society of Fund Raisers. In 1972, the group disassociated from the national group, and reorganized as a local group, calling itself the Northern Ohio Association of Fund Raisers. The name was modified to the Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives in 1975. The collection consists of correspondence, minutes, programs, membership applications, newsletters, membership rosters, publications, and financial statements. 
 Call #:  MS 4701 
 Extent:  2.40 linear feet (3 containers) 
 Subjects:  Ohio Council of Fund Raising Executives. | Professional associations -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Fund raising -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Fund raisers (Persons) -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Fund raisers (Persons) -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. | Nonprofit organizations -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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