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Ohio imprints 1881 in subject [X]
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Birds -- North America (1)
Ohio imprints 1881[X]
1Title:  Studer's popular ornithology    
 Creator:  Studer, Jacob Henry, 1840-1904 
 Jasper, Theodore.
 Brehm, Alfred Edmund, 1829-1884
 Publication:  J.H. Studer & Co, New York, Columbus, O,c1881. 
 Notes:  Originally issued in 40 parts, 1873-78, under cover-title: The birds of North America; drawn from life and uniformly reduced to one-quarter their natural size, by Theodore Jasper ... (The title varies slightly in the later parts) On the completion of the work pts. 1-39 were divided, the first 4 pages of each part and all the text of pt. 40 being bound together to form one volume; the last 4 pages of pts. 1-39 and extra indexes, etc., from pt. 40, were bound together to form another volume. Title of [v. 1]: Studer's popular ornithology. The birds of North America: drawn and colored from life by Theodore Jasper ... [v. 2]: With ... illustrations by Theodore Jasper ... 
 Call #:  QL673 S9 Oversize 
 Extent:  2 v. 160 pl. (119 col.) 38 x 31 cm. 
 Subjects:  Birds | Birds -- North America | Ohio imprints 1881
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