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Real property -- Ohio. in subject [X]
Commercial Bank of Lake Erie (Cleveland, Ohio). in subject [X]
Weddell, Peter Martin, 1788-1847. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Peter M. and Horace P. Weddell Papers     
 Creator:  Weddell, Peter M. and Horace P. 
 Dates:  1813-1872 
 Abstract:  Peter M. Weddell (1788-1847) was a merchant and and Horace P. Weddell (1823-1914) was a banker of Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of land deeds and agreements, financial notes and accounts, and other papers relating to business interests of Weddell and his son, Horace Perry Weddell, including the merchandising firm of P.M. Weddell & Company, the Cleveland hotel Weddell House, and land interests in Cleveland and Newark, Ohio. 
 Call #:  MS 1864 
 Extent:  1.30 linear feet (3 containers) 
 Subjects:  Weddell, Peter Martin, 1788-1847. | Weddell, Horace Perry, 1823-1914. | Weddell House (Hotel : Cleveland, Ohio). | Peter M. Weddell & Co. (Cleveland, Ohio). | Weddell & Clark (Cleveland, Ohio). | Commercial Bank of Lake Erie (Cleveland, Ohio). | Deeds -- Ohio. | Land titles -- Ohio. | Real property -- Ohio. | General stores -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Hotels, taverns, etc. -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Commerce.
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