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Sokol Tyrs -- Archives. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Ptak Family Papers and Organizational Records     
 Creator:  Ptak Family 
 Dates:  1897-1975 
 Abstract:  Victor G. and Bohumir E. Ptak were brothers who owned the Ptak Music and Furniture Store in Cleveland, Ohio. Bohumir's sons, Bo and Denny (Zdenke) also were partners in the company. The family was very active in Cleveland's Czech societies, including Lumir-Hlahol-Tyl, Sokol Tyrs, Nationalities Services Center, and others. Victor was married to Marus Hlavacek Ptak. The collection consists of a small amount of correspondence, clippings and memorabilia. The organizational records form the bulk of the collection and consist of correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, agendas, memoranda, financial records, bulletins and printed materials. Included in the organizational records are those of various Czech societies and several parent-teacher associations of Cleveland schools. 
 Call #:  MS 4465 
 Extent:  2.00 linear feet (4 containers) 
 Subjects:  Ptak family. | Sokol Tyrs -- Archives. | Nationalities Services Center (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Archives. | Miles-Cranwood Parent Teacher Association -- Archives. | Czech Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. | Gymnastics -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. | Clubs -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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