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1Title:  Kathleen B. Seaman Tozier Papers     
 Creator:  Tozier, Kathleen B. Seaman 
 Dates:  1899-1931 
 Abstract:  Kathleen B. Seaman Tozier (1865-1968) was a leader in Cleveland, Ohio, patriotic and civic activities. The collection consists of correspondence, charts, certificates and memoranda tracing Mrs. Tozier's genealogy, a copy of a roster of the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 2nd Regiment of the Ohio Militia during the War of 1812, and a collection of lapel emblems and insignia of various patriotic and historical societies. 
 Call #:  MS 3217 
 Extent:  0.41 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Tozier, Kathleen B. Seaman, 1865-1968. | Seaman family. | Ohio. Militia. Regiment, 2nd. | Patriotic societies -- United States -- Insignia. | United States -- History -- Societies, etc. -- Miscellanea. | United States -- History -- War of 1812 -- Registers. | Ohio -- History -- War of 1812 -- Registers.
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