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Voyages and travels -- Photographs. in subject [X]
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Nash family -- Photograph collections. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Severance Family Photographs     
 Creator:  Severance Family 
 Dates:  1840-1960 
 Abstract:  Members of the Severance family were prominent bankers and industrialists in Cleveland, Ohio. The Severance family was also known for its philanthropic activities. Solon Severance, a Cleveland banker, was the son of Solomon Severance and Mary Helen Long, and a brother of Louis Severance. He was also a descendent of John Walworth, an early settler of Cleveland who was a civil engineer and was appointed in 1806 as the Custom Collector for the District of Erie. Solon's wife, Emily Allen, was the daughter of Dr. Dudley Allen, and the sister of prominent surgeon Dudley P. Allen. Solon and Emily's daughter, Julia Severance Millikin, was the wife of Benjamin Millikin, a noted Cleveland ophthalmologist. Julia's children included Helen Millikin Nash and Severance, Marianne, Dudley, and Louise Millikin. The collection consists of individual and group portraits of Severance family members; allied families including the Allen, Hadden, Long, Millikin, Nash, Prentiss, Robbins, and Tryon families; and unrelated individuals, including Jacob D. Cox, Charles Gleason, and Rutherford B. Hayes. Also included are views of various family residences and trips. 
 Call #:  PG 440 
 Extent:  2.20 linear feet (8 containers) 
 Subjects:  Allen family -- Photograph collections. | Charities -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Genealogy -- Photographs. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- History -- 19th century -- Photographs. | Long family -- Photograph collections. | Millikin family -- Photograph collections. | Nash family -- Photograph collections. | Philanthropists -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Severance family -- Photograph collections. | Voyages and travels -- Photographs.
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