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Indians of North America -- New England in subject [X]
Indians of North America -- Wars in subject [X]
Imprints, Early American To 1820 in subject [X]
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Book (3)
Imprints, Early American To 1820[X]
Indians of North America -- New England[X]
Indians of North America -- Wars[X]
New England -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 (3)
1Title:  A narrative of the Indian wars in New-England: from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to the year 1677 : containing a relation of the occasion, rise and progress of the war with the Indians, in the southern, western, eastern and northern parts of said country    
 Creator:  Hubbard, William, 1621 or 2-1704 
 Publication:  Printed by John Trumbull, Norwich [Conn.],[1802] 
 Notes:  Title vignette: cut of Indian. "An advertisement of the time shows it to have been published in May, 1802."--S.G. Drake, in his edition of the "History of the Indian wars." 1865, p. viii. Fifth edition (4th American) Reprint of Boyle's abridged edition of 1775 (probably copied from the reprint of 1801) with omissions and typographical errors; preface dated "Boston, May 27,1777" (for "May 20, 1775"?) First published at Boston, 1677, with title: A narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New-England ... To which is added a discourse about the warre with the Pequods in the year 1637. 
 Call #:  E82 H87 1802 Vault 
 Extent:  228 p. ; 17 cm. 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America -- Wars | Indians of North America -- New England | New England -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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2Title:  A narrative of the Indian wars in New-England: from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to the year 1677 : containing a relation of the occasion, rise and progress of the war with the Indians, in the Southern, Western, Eastern and Northern parts of said country    
 Uniform Title:  Western Reserve Historical Society Shaker collection    
 Creator:  Hubbard, William, 1621 or 2-1704 
 Publication:  Heman Willard, Stockbridge, Mass,1803. 
 Notes:  Howes Usiana H756. Reprint of the abridged edition of 1775, possibly copied from the reprint of 1801. First published at Boston, 1677, with title : A narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New England... "List of subscribers" one of leaf at end. Bound in brown leather ; stamped in gold ; black leather label on spine, stamped in gold. 
 Call #:  E82 H87 1803 Vault 
 Extent:  [i-viii], [9]-375, [1] [1]-2 p., 2Á. ; 20 cm. 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America -- Wars | Indians of North America -- New England | New England -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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3Title:  A narrative of the Indian wars in New-England: from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to the year 1677 : containing a relation of the occasions, rise and progress of the war with the Indians, in the southern, western, eastern and northern parts of said country    
 Creator:  Hubbard, William, 1621 or 2-1704 
 Publication:  Published by William Fessenden, Brattleborough,1814. 
 Notes:  Reprint of the abridged edition of 1775, possibly copied from the reprint of 1801. First published in 1677, with title: a narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New-England ... WRHS copy has manuscript notes throughout and manuscript folded map 
 Call #:  E82 H876 Vault 
 Extent:  vii, [9]-359 p. ; 18 cm. 
 Subjects:  Indians of North America -- Wars | Indians of North America -- New England | New England -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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