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1Title:  Henry Harrison Cumings Papers     
 Creator:  Cumings, Henry Harrison 
 Dates:  1817-1882 
 Abstract:  Henry Harrison Cumings (1840-1913) was born in Illinois. With his family, he moved in 1825 to Unionville, Lake County, Ohio. In 1852, he moved to North Madison, Lake County, Ohio. Cumings attended various schools, including the Madison Seminary and the Grand River Institute at Austinburgh. He later enrolled at Oberlin College, graduating in 1862. He then enlisted in the 105th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the American Civil War, receiving a commission as a 1st Lieutenant of Company D. In 1864, he was promoted to the rank of Captain of Company A, later transferring to Company K. During the war, Cumings and the 105th Regiment saw action in the battles of Perryville, Kentucky (1862); Milton, Tennessee (1863); Hoover's Gap, Tennessee (1863); Murfreesboro, Tennessee (1863); Lookout Mountain, Tennessee (1863); Missionary Ridge, Tennessee (1863); and Atlanta, Georgia (1864). After the war, Cumings settled at Tidioute, Warren County, Pennsylvania, where he lived for the remainder of his life. In 1867, he married Charlotte (Lottie) J. Sink. Cumings was active in various oil refining companies, and also served in local political and governmental posts. The collection consists of correspondence, supply orders, military records and publications, post-war business records, personal writings, newspaper clippings, speeches, and an autograph book. The collection pertains primarily to Henry Cumings' Civil War experiences, with detailed information referring to the 105th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry and the post quartermaster department. Also included is material relating to Oberlin College during the early 1860s, letters from his wife, Lottie Sink Cumings, and personal information pertaining to Henry Cumings, his family and friends. In addition, the collection includes the papers of Henry's grandfather, Benjamin Cumings, and George Densten, a family friend, primarily correspondence. 
 Call #:  MS 4599 
 Extent:  2.00 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Cumings, Henry Harrison, 1840-1913. | Cummings family. | Cumings, Charlotte J. Sink, 1846-1913. | United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 105th (1862-1865) | Oberlin College. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Campaigns. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Equipment and supplies. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories.
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