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Advertising -- Banks and banking. in subject [X]
Cleveland Trust Company. in subject [X]
Bank mergers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Ameritrust Corporation Records     
 Creator:  Ameritrust Corporation 
 Dates:  1871-1991 
 Abstract:  Ameritrust Corporation began in 1894 when The Cleveland Trust Company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland Trust then assumed the contracts of the Security Safe Deposit and Trust Company, also located in Cleveland, Ohio. Beginning in 1903, Cleveland Trust acquired or merged with several other savings banks, including The Windemere Savings and Trust Company and The Western Reserve Trust Company. Cleveland Trust promoted innovative operating policies and procedures, including the establishment of an advertising department in 1913. It increased its number of branch offices through additional mergers, including Lake Shore Banking and Trust Company and The Garfield Savings Bank. Growth continued during the 1920s with the acquisition of the Pearl Street Savings and Trust Company. Two more banks were acquired in the 1930s; Midland Bank and South Euclid Bank. A new six story office building at East 9th Street and Huron Road was constructed in 1962. An adjacent office tower was completed in 1971. In 1974, CleveTrust Corporation, a bank holding company, was formed, with Cleveland Trust as the lead bank. Cleveland Trust was one of six local banks holding short-term notes of the City of Cleveland when financial difficulties in 1978 lead to the city's default on these loans. In 1979, The Cleveland Trust Company's name was changed to AmeriTrust Corporation. In 1986, the name was changed to Ameritrust Corporation. In 1991, Ameritrust merged with Society Corporation, and in 1992, went out of existence as a corporate entity. The collection consists of articles of incorporation, bylaws, codes of regulation, annual reports, minutes, histories, newspaper and magazine clippings, financial documents, directories, handbooks, correspondence, press releases, biographical sketches, signage, marketing material, speeches, in-house publications, scrapbooks, and original advertising art work. The collection includes records of banks and other institutions merged into and acquired by The Cleveland Trust Company. Operating records of The Cleveland Trust Company are included, as are records created by the Publicity Department of Cleveland Trust and in-house publications. Also included are records documenting Cleveland Trust's leadership in the fields of branch banking, publicity, and marketing. Documents pertaining to the construction of the Ninth Street Tower and parking garage are part of these records. Materials concerned with Frederick H. Goff's involvement with the Cleveland Foundation are included. 
 Call #:  MS 4750 
 Extent:  173.70 linear feet (215 containers) 
 Subjects:  Ameritrust Corporation. | Cleveland Trust Company. | Banks and banking -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank holding companies -- Ohio. | Bank mergers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Savings banks -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank buildings -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank loans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Bank marketing -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Advertising -- Banks and banking. | Banks and banking -- Public relations. | Branch banks -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Default (Finance) -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government.
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