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Iron and steel workers -- Labor unions -- Ohio. in subject [X]
Manuscript Collection in format [X]
Steel Workers Organizing Committee (U.S.) in subject [X]
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1Title:  Marvin Clinton Harrison Papers     
 Creator:  Harrison, Marvin Clinton 
 Dates:  1915-1954 
 Abstract:  Marvin Clinton Harrison (1890-1954) was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer and Ohio state senator who specialized in the areas of accident and labor law. The collection consists of briefs, depositions, medical reports, exhibits, case notes, precedents, authorizations, correspondence, proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission, newspaper clippings, settlement notices, receipts, personal papers, and letters from Harrison to his father. 
 Call #:  MS 3799 
 Extent:  24.40 linear feet (25 containers) 
 Subjects:  Harrison, Marvin Clinton, 1890-1954. | Steel Workers Organizing Committee (U.S.) | Iron and steel workers -- Labor unions -- Ohio. | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Little Steel Strike, U.S., 1937. | Lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Labor laws and legislation -- Ohio. | Accident law -- Ohio. | Legislators -- Ohio. | Strikes and lockouts -- Steel industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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