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Westinghouse Electric Corporation. in subject [X]
General Electric Corporation. in subject [X]
Electric industry workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  International Brotherhood of Electrical Works, Local Union 1377 Records     
 Creator:  International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union 1377 
 Dates:  1939-1972 
 Abstract:  Local 1377 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers was the Cleveland (Ohio) local of electrical manufacturing workers originally set up to represent employees of the Leece-Neville Company. By the mid-1950s, however, the local had absorbed several units of Local 38, and included manufacturing units, maintenance units and radio and sound units, including appliance repairmen and mobile/microwave technicians. Peter J. Zicarelli served as business manager, 1950-1970s. The local was involved in jurisdictional disputes with Local 38 and representational disputes with the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America and with independent workers' organizations such as the Electrical Workers Alliance at Leece-Neville and the Picker X-Ray Employees Union. The collection consists of minutes, correspondence, reports, contracts and agreements, financial records, membership rosters, grievance and arbitration proceedings, civil litigation records, organizing files, newspapers and periodicals. The collection focuses on the day-to-day operations of an amalgamated local, with the various problems accompanying a mixed membership, and includes material on the jurisdictional disputes with IBEW Local 38 and the representational disputes with the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, as well as labor-management conflicts and general conditions in the Cleveland electric industries, especially General Electric, Leece-Neville, Westinghouse and Picker X-Ray. The collection includes extensive material relating to the AFL-CIO Committee on Collective Bargaining, established in 1966 to negotiate an industry-wide contract with GE and Westinghouse and the eight major unions it represented. Also includes files of Local 1377 officials Peter J. Zicarelli, Gordon M. Freeman, Joseph Keenan, and H.B. Blankenship and material regarding the role of women in the local. 
 Call #:  MS 4502 
 Extent:  18.0 linear feet (18 containers) 
 Subjects:  Zicarelli, Peter J. | Freeman, Gordon M. | Keenan, Joseph D. | International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Local 1377 (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Archives. | International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Local 38 (Cleveland, Ohio) | United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. Local 707 (Cleveland, Ohio) | General Electric Corporation. | Leece-Neville Company. | Westinghouse Electric Corporation. | Electric industry workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Electric industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Electric industry workers -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Electric industry workers -- Labor unions -- United States. | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Jurisdictional disputes. | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Recognition. | Collective bargaining -- Electric industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Collective bargaining -- Electric industries -- United States. | Collective labor agreements -- Electric industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Industrial relations -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Employee fringe benefits -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Wages -- Electrical industry workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Women in trade-unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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