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Architecture. in subject [X]
Garfield, Abram, 1872-1958. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Abram Garfield Papers     
 Creator:  Garfield, Abram 
 Dates:  1886-1972 
 Abstract:  Abram Garfield (1872-1958) was the son of president James A. Garfield who became a Cleveland, Ohio, architect, co-founder and president of the School of Architecture (later a part of Western Reserve University), and member of the Regional Association of Cleveland. The collection consists of sketchbooks, diaries, and miscellaneous papers, including drawings, paintings, sketches, and writings. Also included are two autograph books of Marshall Van Horn. A major subject of the artwork is views of Europe. Topics of the diaries include architecture and World War II. 
 Call #:  MS 3695 
 Extent:  1.20 linear feet (4 containers) 
 Subjects:  Garfield, Abram, 1872-1958. | Garfield family. | Architecture. | World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American. | Europe -- Description and travel -- Views.
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