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Upshur, J. H in subject [X]
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1Title:  Commander J.H. Upshur: letter from the Secretary of the Navy transmitting a copy of the proceedings of the naval general court-martial in the case of Commander J.H. Upshur, United States Navy    
 Creator:  United States Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs. 
 United States Navy Dept.
 Publication:  U.S. G.P.O.?, Washington?,1870] 
 Notes:  Caption title. "July 1, 1870." Bound in same volume: Unexpended balances in the Treasury. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in answer to a resolution of the House of July 2, 1870, transmitting a full statement of all unexpended balances remaining in the treasury or in the hands of the Treasurer as agent of the War or Navy Departments, etc. Public debt at the end of each fiscal year since the organization of the government, etc. Appropriation to pay certain Indian depredation claims. Collection of direct taxes. Customs cartage system of the port of New York. Organization of the Post Office Department. Special report of the Commissioner of Education on the condition and improvement of public schools in the district of Columbia. LA3479-CMP41 Location: CMP41/CMP39-3, shelf C. 
 Call #:  LA3479-CMP41 
 Extent:  35 p. ; 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Upshur, J. H | United States. -- Navy Dept. (Upshur : 1870) | Courts-martial and courts of inquiry -- United States
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