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Book (1)
1Title:  The reformed Virginian silk-worm: or, A rare and new discovery of a speedy way, and easie means, found out by a young lady in England, she having made full proof thereof in May, anno 1652. For the feeding of silk-worms in the woods, on the mulberry-tree-leaves in Virginia ... And also to the good hopes, that the Indians, seeing and finding that there is neither art, skill, or pains in the thing: they will readily set upon it, being by the benefit thereof inabled to buy of the English ... all those things that they most desire. London, Printed by J. Streater for G. Calvert, 1655    
 Creator:  Hartlib, Samuel, d. 1662 
 Publication:  W. Q. Force, Washington,1844] 
 Notes:  "To the reader" signed: Samuel Hartlib. Includes letters and verses by several persons. This 1655 edition was a reprint, with additions, of "A rare and new discovery of a speedy way [etc.]" London, 1652. Also reprinted as pt. 2 of the author's "The reformed commonwealth of bees," London, 1655. 
 Call #:  E187 F697 v.3, no.13 
 Extent:  37 p. 24 cm. 
 Subjects:  Silkworms
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