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Church of Jesus Christ (Strangites)[X]
Mormons -- Michigan[X]
1Title:  The book of the law of the Lord consisting of an inspired translation of some of the most important parts of the law given to Moses: and a very few additional commandments, with notes and references    
 Creator:  Strang, James Jesse, 1813-1856 
 Publication:  Printed by command of the king, at the Royal Press, Saint James, A.R.I,[1856?] 
 Notes:  Preface is 15.5 cm. Known as the Strangite Bible. In 1851, a first edition was printed in a pamphlet of less than 100 pages, no copy of which is known to exist, but at one time a copy was made of the title page and preface, consisting of eight pages. The 1856 edition was on the press when the Strangites were driven out of the Beaver Islands. Copies rescued at that time by them are paged 17-336 only, the first sixteen pages having been left for the title page and preface. This book is the sacred Bible and frame of government of the Strangite Mormons, who with James Jesse Strang as their leader, located their sacred city at Vorce, Wisconsin, in 1844, and in 1850 founded a kingdom on the Beaver Islands of Lake Michigan, but were driven away by mobs in July 1856. After Joseph Smith's death, 1844, Strang was the most formidable rival of Brigham Young for leadership. For a time Strang was in control of the church at Kirtland, Ohio, but was driven out by a factional quarrel. On leaving he pronounced a curse upon Kirtland which is not in his Bible, but is in his newspapers. 
 Call #:  BX8625 S897 [1856] Vault 
 Extent:  8, [17]-336 p. 19 cm. 
 Subjects:  Church of Jesus Christ (Strangites) | Mormons -- Michigan
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