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Ohio -- Photographs. in subject [X]
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Photograph CollectionSave
1Title:  Victor LaSalle Photographs     
 Creator:  LaSalle, Victor 
 Dates:  1923 
 Abstract:  The collection consists of views of the northeastern Ohio area, including the Cuyahoga River at Boston Mills and Peninsula, the Chagrin River, the Ohio and Erie Canal at Boston Mills, Bedford Glen, a bridge over the Cuyahoga River at Boston Mills, the Chagrin River at Gates Mills, and 2 photographs of unidentified people. 
 Call #:  PG 395 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Ohio -- Photographs. | Boston Mills (Ohio) -- Photographs. | Cuyahoga River (Ohio) -- Photographs. | Chagrin River (Ohio) -- Photographs. | Ohio and Erie Canal (Ohio) -- Photographs. | Bedford Glen (Ohio) -- Photographs.
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