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New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad. in subject [X]
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company. in subject [X]
Van Sweringen, Mantis James, 1881-1935. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Joseph Doherty Papers     
 Creator:  Doherty, Joseph 
 Dates:  1921-1944 
 Abstract:  Joseph Doherty (1889-1965) was a public relations officer for Oris P. and Mantis J. Van Sweringen, developers of the Cleveland, Ohio, suburb of Shaker Heights, and Cleveland's Terminal Tower and Union Terminal complex. The Van Sweringen brothers established a railroad empire in the 1920s which collapsed during the Depression. Doherty wrote a history of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad entitled, Smooth is the road. The collection consists of correspondence, press releases, official statements of the Van Sweringens, promotional materials for the Van Sweringen projects, including Shaker Village, Ohio, magazine articles about the Van Sweringens, newspaper clippings, and a manuscript by Doherty concerning the Van Sweringen brothers. The collection contains information relative to the Chesapeake and Ohio, Nickel Plate and Pere Marquette railroads. 
 Call #:  MS 4304 
 Extent:  1.01 linear feet (3 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Doherty, Joseph, 1889-1965. | Van Sweringen, Oris Paxton, 1879-1936. | Van Sweringen, Mantis James, 1881-1935. | Van Sweringen Company -- Public relations. | Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company. | New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad. | Pere Marquette Railway. | Railroads -- United States. | Shaker Heights (Ohio) -- History -- Sources.
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2Title:  My Three Careers in Forty Years     
 Creator:  Wenneman, William H. 
 Dates:  1978 
 Abstract:  William H. Wenneman was a Cleveland, Ohio, railroad executive who served with the Chesapeake and Ohio, the Pere Marquette, and the Nickel Plate railroads. He was vice-president of the C&O and the Nickel Plate in 1946, but resigned over conflicts with chairman Robert R. Young. In 1950 he became vice-president of finance for the Nickel Plate after it was separated from Robert Young enterprises. He retired in 1959. The collection consists of autobiographical memoirs describing Wenneman's years with the Nickel Plate (New York, Chicago, and St. Louis Railroad) and the Chesapeake and Ohio, his friendship with the Van Sweringen Brothers, the Cleveland business community, and personalities within the Cleveland transportation industry. 
 Call #:  MS 4230 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Wenneman, William H., 1902- | Young, Robert Ralph, 1897-1958. | Van Sweringen, Mantis James, 1881-1935. | Van Sweringen, Oris Paxton, 1879-1936. | New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad. | Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company. | Railroads -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History. | Railroads -- United States -- History. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Economic conditions.
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