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Miller, Ray T. (Ray Thomas), 1893-1966. in subject [X]
Democratic Party. Cuyahoga County (Ohio) in subject [X]
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
1Title:  Ray Thomas Miller Papers     
 Creator:  Miller, Ray Thomas 
 Dates:  1906-1966 
 Abstract:  Ray T. Miller (1893-1966) was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer, businessman and Democratic political leader. After serving in World War I he became assistant law director of Cleveland (1922-1923), city prosecutor (1928-1932) and Mayor (1932-1933). He was chairman of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party (1938-1964). The collection consists of correspondence, speeches, certificates, diaries, daybooks, newspaper clippings, photographs, miscellaneous printed material and personal memorabilia relating to Miller's college, army and political activities. 
 Call #:  MS 3308 
 Extent:  29.50 linear feet (59 containers, 9 oversize volumes, and 2 oversize packages) 
 Subjects:  Miller, Ray T. (Ray Thomas), 1893-1966. | Miller family. | Democratic Party. Cuyahoga County (Ohio) | Soldiers -- Ohio -- Miscellanea. | World War, 1914-1918 -- Sources. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Cuyahoga County (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | Ohio -- Politics and government.
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