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1Title:  Shubert Spero Papers     
 Creator:  Spero, Shubert 
 Dates:  1942-1983 
 Abstract:  Shubert Spero (b. 1923) was the Rabbi of Young Israel of Cleveland, Ohio, Co-Chairman of the Orthodox Rabbinical Council of Cleveland, and trustee of the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland. He and his wife, Iris, emigrated to Israel in 1983. The collection consists of correspondence, subject files, minutes, reports, publications, a scrapbook, and newsletters from Young Israel of Cleveland, the Rabbi's Record from Berkowitz-Kumin Funeral Home, and records from the Orthodox Rabbinical Council of Cleveland, its Rabbinical Court (Beth Din), and the Jewish Community Federation's Kashruth Board. 
 Call #:  MS 3988 
 Extent:  4.20 linear feet (5 containers) 
 Subjects:  Spero, Shubert. | Rabbis -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Rabbinical courts -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jewish councils and synods. | Jewish law. | Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Necrologies.
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