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Oviatt family. in subject [X]
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Deeds -- Ohio. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Oviatt Family Papers     
 Creator:  Oviatt Family 
 Dates:  1757-1915 
 Abstract:  Benjamin Oviatt, from Litchfield, Connecticut, was one of the original settlers of Hudson, Ohio. His brother, Heman, dealt in land in Cuyahoga, Medina, Portage, and Summit counties while a resident of Hudson, Richfield, and Cleveland, Ohio. Schuyler R. Oviatt was Treasurer of Summit County in the 1870s. The collection consists of deeds, agreements, financial papers, and certificates of Benjamin, Heman, Elizabeth, Orson, Marvin, Nathaniel, and Schuyler R. Oviatt. Includes a report of the Summit County Treasurer (1876), a catalogue of books in the Richfield Sunday School (1835), the constitution of the Academic Institution of Richfield and a list of subscribers (1847), papers relating to the Congregational Church of Richfield (1835-1858), and notes on the history of Richfield. Also includes several letters from the abolitionist, John Brown. 
 Call #:  MS 0777 
 Extent:  0.21 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Oviatt family. | Deeds -- Ohio. | Real property -- Ohio. | Richfield (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. | Summit County (Ohio) -- Surveys.
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