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Middleburg Heights (Ohio) -- History. in subject [X]
Parker family. in subject [X]
Wilder family. in subject [X]
Results:  1 Item
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Baker family. (1)
Hickcox family. (1)
Hoadley family. (1)
Middleburg Heights (Ohio) -- History.[X]
Osborne family. (1)
Parker family.[X]
Vaughan family. (1)
Wilder family.[X]
Manuscript CollectionSave
1Title:  Hoadley and Hickox Family Papers     
 Creator:  Hoadley and Hickox Family 
 Dates:  1792-1926 
 Abstract:  The Hickox and Hoadley families were among the first settlers of Middleburg Township, Ohio (now Middleburg Heights, a suburb of Cleveland). Jared and Rachel Merrill Hickox came from Connecticut in 1809. Lemuel Hoadley came from New York in 1807. The collection consists of deeds, quit claims, a survey, a probate settlement, an order for a sheriff's sale, a copy of a lease, a copy of a will, a deed of trust, account books, certificates, correspondence, genealogies, reminiscences and a clipping relating to the Hoadley and Hickox families and to the Wilder, Vaughn, Baker, Osborn, and Parker branches of these families. 
 Call #:  MS 3603 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Hoadley family. | Hickcox family. | Wilder family. | Vaughan family. | Baker family. | Osborne family. | Parker family. | Middleburg Heights (Ohio) -- History.
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