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Joseph, William R., 1946- in subject [X]
Joseph family. in subject [X]
Joseph, Emil, 1857-1938. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Joseph Family Papers, Series II     
 Creator:  Joseph Family 
 Dates:  1883-2000 
 Abstract:  The Joseph family is a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, Jewish family. Moritz Joseph arrived in the United States in 1852 from Gauersheim, Rheinpfalz, Germany. Settling in Cleveland in 1872, Joseph became successful in the manufacture of men's clothing. The Joseph and Feiss Company was incorporated in 1907, and was one of the largest manufacturers of men's clothing in the United States. Moritz Joseph's son Emil became a lawyer, and Emil's son, Frank, was partner at the law firm of Jones, Day, Cockley & Reavis. Frank E. Joseph and his wife, Martha, were also active philanthropists. The couple's son, William R. Joseph, Sr. continues to be active in the community. The collection consists of awards, correspondence, diaries, diplomas, genealogies, guest lists, inventories, news clippings, newsletters, legal records, notebooks, programs, scrapbooks, and assorted writings. 
 Call #:  MS 5055 
 Extent:  4.01 linear feet (4 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Joseph, Emil, 1857-1938. | Joseph, Frank E., 1904-1995. | Joseph, Martha J., 1917-2006. | Joseph, William R., 1946- | Joseph family. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Social life and customs. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Genealogy.
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