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1Title:  Ralph E. Cozad Genealogical Research Papers     
 Creator:  Cozad, Ralph E. 
 Dates:  1898-1968 
 Abstract:  The Cozad family was one of the first families to settle in the Western Reserve. The family first came to the United States from Holland in 1662, when French Huguenot Jacques Cossart, his wife Lydia, and their two children settled in New Amsterdam (now known as New York City). The Cozad family grew and migrated West, settling in places such as Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Iowa. The family also settled in Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of genealogical records, genealogical narratives, military service records, and legal records. 
 Call #:  MS 5232 
 Extent:  2.00 linear feet (5 containers) 
 Subjects:  Cozad family | Illinois -- Genealogy | New Jersey -- Genealogy | New York (State) -- Genealogy | Ohio -- Genealogy | Pennsylvania -- Genealogy | Registers of births, etc. -- Ohio | West Virginia -- Genealogy | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- Genealogy | Genealogy
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