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Saint Lawrence Seaway. in subject [X]
Conservatism -- United States. in subject [X]
Children -- Employment -- United States. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Thomas Saxton Ireland Papers     
 Creator:  Ireland, Thomas Saxton 
 Dates:  1879-1969 
 Abstract:  Thomas Saxton Ireland (1895-1969) was a Cleveland, Ohio, politician, lawyer and writer who ran as a conservative Republican candidate for the office of mayor of Cleveland, 1959, as well as numerous other political offices. He was a correspondent for the Plain dealer and several other newspapers and authored a number of books, including several on the Saint Lawrence Seaway and one on the Sam Sheppard murder case. The collection consists of materials relating to Ireland's many political campaigns, manuscripts of published and unpublished books, correspondence, drafts of newspaper articles, scrapbooks, genealogical materials relating to his family, various certificates and personal miscellany. The collection is useful for understanding Ireland's ardent advocacy of the Saint Lawrence Seaway, his mayoral campaign and other political activities, and his attitudes as a conservative Republican in the 1950s and 1960s. Also included are some materials which reflect the rampant anti-communist sentiment of the period. 
 Call #:  MS 4312 
 Extent:  5.61 linear feet (14 containers and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Ireland, Thomas Saxton, 1895-1969. | Sheppard, Sam | Ireland family. | Holland family. | Republican Party (Ohio) | Political campaigns -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Political campaigns -- Ohio. | Conservatism -- United States. | Anti-communist movements -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Children -- Employment -- United States. | Eastern question (Far East) | Cold War. | Saint Lawrence Seaway. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Politics and government. | United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century. | United States -- Social policy.
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