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Pennsylvania infantry. -- 71st regt., 1861-1864 in subject [X]
Pennsylvania infantry. -- 106th regt., 1861-1864 in subject [X]
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Book (1)
1Title:  Reply of the Philadelphia brigade association to the foolish and absurd narrative of Lieutenant Frank A. Haskell: which appears to be endorsed by the Military order of the loyal legion commandry [!] of Massachusetts and the Wisconsin History commission    
 Creator:  Philadelphia Brigade Association 
 Publication:  The Philadelphia Brigade Association], Philadelphia, Pa,1910. 
 Notes:  This narrative was written by Lieut. Haskell soon after the contest and published about fifteen years later for private circulation. It was reprinted in 1898, with certain ommissions and changes, as part of the history of Dartmouth's class of 1854, and this version was again reprinted March 1908 by the Commandery of Mass., Military order of the loyal legion. In November, 1908, the Wisconsin History commission reprinted the original edition exactly as first printed. 
 Call #:  B 1938 
 Extent:  42 p. 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Haskell, Franklin Aretas, -- 1828-1864. -- Battle of Gettysburg | Pennsylvania infantry. -- 69th reg't, 1861-1865 | Pennsylvania infantry. -- 71st regt., 1861-1864 | Pennsylvania Infantry. -- 72d regt., 1861-1864 | Pennsylvania infantry. -- 106th regt., 1861-1864 | Gettysburg (Pa.), Battle of, 1863 | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories -- Pennsylvania Infantry -- Philadelphia Brigade
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