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Heights Benevolent and Social Union (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
Camp Alliwise (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
Windsor Club (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
Results:  1 Item
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Camp Alliwise (Cleveland, Ohio)[X]
Congregation Beth Am (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) (1)
Heights Benevolent and Social Union (Cleveland, Ohio)[X]
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland (1)
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs (1)
Weltman, Ben (1)
Weltman, Sadie (1)
Windsor Club (Cleveland, Ohio)[X]
Manuscript CollectionSave
1Title:  Ben and Sadie Weltman Film Collection     
 Creator:  Weltman, Ben and Sadie 
 Dates:  1920-1966 
 Abstract:  Ben and Sadie Weltman were active in synagogue and Jewish organizational activities in Cleveland, Ohio. Ben Weltman was a founder and president of Commercial Typesetting Company. The Weltmans were active in the Windsor Club, Camp Alliwise, Congregation Beth Am, and the Heights Benevolent and Social Union. Sadie Weltman worked in her husband's business and was also active in the Pythian Women. The collection consists of 16 black and white films of varying formats. 
 Call #:  MS 5408 
 Extent:  1.00 linear feet (three containers) 
 Subjects:  Congregation Beth Am (Cleveland Heights, Ohio) | Camp Alliwise (Cleveland, Ohio) | Heights Benevolent and Social Union (Cleveland, Ohio) | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs | Weltman, Ben | Weltman, Sadie | Windsor Club (Cleveland, Ohio)
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