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Photograph Collection in format [X]
Bellefaire Jewish Children's Home (Shaker Heights, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. in subject [X]
Jewish Orphan Asylum (Shaker Heights, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Bellefaire Photographs, Series II     
 Creator:  Bellefaire 
 Dates:  1867-1995 
 Abstract:  Bellefaire, a residential treatment center for emotionally disturbed adolescents, is the oldest Jewish social-service agency in Cleveland, Ohio. It was dedicated on July 14, 1868 as the Jewish Orphan Asylum, established to care for Civil War orphans. By 1900, more than 400 orphans lived there. The name was changed to the Jewish Orphan Home (JOH) in 1919, and later to Bellefaire when its facilities moved to the corner of Belvoir and Fairmount boulevards in 1929. In 1942 the orphanage changed its focus to include residential therapeutic care for emotionally disturbed children and stopped accepting orphans in 1943. In 1954, Bellefaire opened its admissions to children of all faiths and today provides counseling, substance abuse treatment, foster care, adoption services, and residential treatment. The Jewish Orphan Home Alumni Association was established in 1888 to serve and connect the orphans who formerly lived at the Jewish Orphan Home. The Association held Homecomings each year in Cleveland and had several active chapters located throughout the country. "Graduates" of JOH were designated by the year of their confirmation class. The collection consists of approximately two hundred and thirty photographs of residents, alumni, family of alumni, staff, athletic teams, and the Jewish Orphan Home campus. Notable alumni represented in this collection are JOH assistant superintendent Jack Girick and actor Lou Gilbert. 
 Call #:  PG 571 
 Extent:  0.41 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Girick, Jack -- Photographs. | Gilbert, Lou, 1909-1978 -- Photographs. | Bellefaire Jewish Children's Home (Shaker Heights, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Jewish Orphan Asylum (Shaker Heights, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Jewish orphanages -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Jewish orphanages -- Ohio -- Shaker Heights -- Photographs. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Charities -- Photographs. | Children -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Jewish children -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Child welfare -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Orphanages -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.
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