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Na'amat (Organization : Israel) -- Photograph collections. in subject [X]
Children -- Institutional care -- Israel -- Photographs. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Na'amat USA, Cleveland Council Photographs     
 Creator:  Na'amat USA, Cleveland Council 
 Dates:  1937-1986 
 Abstract:  Na'amat USA is a Labor Zionist women's organization originally called Pioneer Women. The Cleveland Council was founded in 1926, one year after the national organization came into being. As the organization grew, it was divided into numbered chapters. At its peak, there were fourteen chapters. In 1999, there were four chapters in the Cleveland Council, serving 650 women. Pioneer Women was organized to provide training, educational services, and social services to women, children, and families in Palestine. The Cleveland Council raised funds and sponsored programs that informed the Cleveland, Ohio, community of social service and educational needs in Israel. The national organization also promoted Habonim, a youth organization, and sponsored Jewish and cultural activities. In 1985 the name Pioneer Women was changed to Naع'mat USA, in order to more closely match its sister organization in Israel, Na'amat. The collection consists of 93 individual and group portraits of members, including individual portraits of Clevelanders Sara Halperin and Rose Kaufman, and Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. Also included are views of the Lod Children's Center in Israel, its groundbreaking and dedication; and the Children's Home in Holon, also in Israel. Other views depict group activities, national conventions, other projects and programs in Israel and the United States, and the 60th anniversary celebration. 
 Call #:  PG 501 
 Extent:  0.30 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Halperin, Sara Allen, 1897-1979 -- Photograph collections. | Kaufman, Rose -- Photograph collections. | Meir, Golda, 1898-1978 -- Photograph collections. | Na'amat USA (Organization) Cleveland Council -- Photograph collections. | Pioneer Women (Organization : U.S.). Cleveland Council -- Photograph collections. | Na'amat (Organization : Israel) -- Photograph collections. | Habonim (Organization) -- Photograph collections. | Jewish women -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs -- Photographs. | Zionism -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. -- Photographs. | Labor Zionists -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies, etc. -- Photographs. | Working-women's clubs -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Children -- Institutional care -- Israel -- Photographs.
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