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Green, Samuel, 1780-1836. in subject [X]
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Manuscript CollectionRequires cookie*
1Title:  Samuel Green Papers     
 Creator:  Green, Samuel 
 Dates:  1805-1849 
 Abstract:  Samuel Green (1780-1836) was a Trumbull County, Ohio cobbler who married Lucy Blake in 1810. In 1821 they helped found a Baptist church which became the nucleus of the Lordstown Disciple Church. Their son, Philander, became its pastor in 1868. The collection consists of a single volume containing the accounts of Samuel Green, and a number of miscellaneous documents. Included is information on the settling of Samuel Green's estate, the prices of various goods and services such as leather, shoes, boots, food, livestock, and medical care, and a brief genealogy of the Green family. 
 Call #:  MS 3779 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Green, Samuel, 1780-1836. | Green family. | Shoemakers -- Ohio -- Trumbull County. | Trumbull County (Ohio) -- History.
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