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Jewish farmers -- Ohio. in subject [X]
Geneva Jewish Farmers. in subject [X]
Jews -- Ohio -- Lake County. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Geneva Jewish Farmers Reunion Records     
 Creator:  Geneva Jewish Farmers 
 Dates:  1989-1992 
 Abstract:  The Geneva Jewish Farmers, also known as the Lake Erie Jewish Community, was an association of about thirty-five farm families in Ashtabula, Lake, and Geauga Counties, Ohio. Jews from the Cleveland area settled around Geneva, Ohio, as early as 1908 and continued into the 1930s. They were supported by the Jewish Agricultural Society. The community disintegrated following World War II, as children of the original settlers chose other careers. The collection consists of correspondence and a scrapbook pertaining to two reunions of former farm family members and their descendants, and several published and unpublished articles about the community. 
 Call #:  MS 4794 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Geneva Jewish Farmers. | Jewish farmers -- Ohio. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County. | Jews -- Ohio -- Geauga County. | Jews -- Ohio -- Lake County. | Jews -- Agriculture -- Ohio. | Agriculture -- Ohio -- Ashtabula County. | Agriculture -- Ohio -- Geauga County. | Agriculture -- Ohio -- Lake County.
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