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Chattanooga (Tenn.), Battle of, 1863 in subject [X]
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Cleveland imprints 1886 in subject [X]
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Chattanooga (Tenn.), Battle of, 1863[X]
Cleveland imprints 1886[X]
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1Title:  Panorama battles of Chattanooga, fought Nov. 23-25, 1863, by the armies of the Cumberland and Tennessee, under Generals Grant, Thomas, Sherman, and Hooker: General Bragg commanding the Confederate forces : Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge and localities made famous by the battles of Chickamauga, Wauhatchie, Graysville, Ringgold, etc    
 Creator:  Cleveland Panorama Company 
 Wehner, William.
 Publication:  J. B. Savage, Printer, Cleveland, Ohio,1886. 
 Notes:  Panorama painted under the supervision of William Wehner. 
 Call #:  Pam. P131 
 Extent:  [15] p. : fold. map ; 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Chattanooga (Tenn.), Battle of, 1863 | Cleveland imprints 1886
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