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Tea -- Ohio -- Chillicothe (Ross County) in subject [X]
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1Title:  Pure medicines!: chemical preparations, colors, paints, oils, and all drugs usually kept by apothecaries, can be had in any desirable quantities at the drug store of A.D. Sproat, on Paint Street, Chillicothe, near the canal. : advertisements    
 Notes:  Illustration of A.D.Sproat's drug store, signed by Taylor. Prior to the 1852 Chillicothe Fire, which destroyed the drug store. "[Advertiser Job Rooms.]" 
 Call #:  O.466 
 Extent:  1 sheet ([1] page) : illustration ; 31 x 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Drugstores -- Ohio -- Chillicothe (Ross County) | Drugs -- Ohio -- Chillicothe (Ross County) | Soap -- Ohio -- Chillicothe (Ross County) | Tea -- Ohio -- Chillicothe (Ross County) | Chillicothe (Ross County, Ohio) | Broadsides | Advertisements
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