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Sandusky (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. in subject [X]
Real property -- Ohio. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Isaac Mills Papers     
 Creator:  Mills, Isaac 
 Dates:  1795-1937 
 Abstract:  Isaac Mills (1767-1843) was an agent for the Sufferers' Land Company (also known as the Connecticut Firelands Company) who concluded a treaty with the Indians of the Northeast for the purchase of half a million acres of land at Fort Industry, Ohio in 1805. The collection consists of a copy book of correspondence concerning Mills' Western Reserve land dealings, his work as agent for others, and lawsuits involving Mills or his clients. Correspondents include Heman Ely, Timothy Hawley, Turhand Kirtland, Jared Kirtland, and James Monroe. Also included are miscellaneous documents such as an act setting up the Sufferers' Land Company (1803) and Mills' report to the company directors on the conclusion of the treaty with the Indians (1805). 
 Call #:  MS 3776 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Mills, Isaac, 1767-1843. | Land companies -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Indians of North America -- Ohio. | Real property -- Ohio. | Sandusky (Ohio) -- History -- Sources. | Western Reserve (Ohio) -- History -- Sources.
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