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Optical industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Warner & Swasey. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Warner and Swasey Company Records     
 Creator:  Warner and Swasey Company 
 Dates:  1883-1970 
 Abstract:  The Warner and Swasey Company was a leading manufacturer of machine tools, especially turret lathes, and telescopes and optical equipment. By 1928, the company was the world's leading manufacturer of turret lathes, and during World War II produced half of all the turret lathes made in the United States. The company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1881 by Worcester R. Warner, who had a passionate interest in astronomy, and Ambrose Swasey. The company was bought by the Bendix Corp. of Michigan in 1980, which was taken over by Allied in 1983, which, in turn, sold it to Cross and Trecker in 1984. The collection consists of a copy of a pictorial historical reference book, clippings, and miscellaneous articles and lists relating to the company's history. 
 Call #:  MS 4486 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Warner & Swasey. | Optical instruments -- Design and construction. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Machine-tool industry -- United States -- History -- Sources. | Optical industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Machine-tool industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Optical industry -- United States -- History -- Sources.
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2Title:  Walter K. Bailey Papers     
 Creator:  Bailey, Walter K. 
 Dates:  1975-1991 
 Abstract:  Walter K. Bailey was a Cleveland, Ohio, businessman. A native of Cleveland and the son of L.A. Bailey, founder of the Bailey Company department store, Walter Bailey was raised in East Cleveland and graduated from Oberlin College in 1919. He went to work for the Warner & Swasey Company, a leading manufacturer of machine tools, especially turret lathes, and telescopes and optical equipment, in 1919. By 1928, the company was the world's leading manufacturer of turret lathes, and during World War II produced half of all the turret lathes made in the U.S. After learning the business on the shop floor, he joined the national sales force of Warner & Swasey in 1921, moving up in management and eventually becoming vice president of sales in 1942. During World War II he was in charge of manufacturing operations, and became vice president of the company in 1949. He was president and chief executive officer from 1955-1962, chairman of the board and chief executive officer from 1962-1964, and chairman of the board until his retirement in 1967. Under Bailey's leadership, Warner & Swasey diversified and acquired several smaller companies, growing into a major international producer of machine tools and related products. Bailey also was active in various philanthropic organizations in Cleveland, and served as a trustee of Oberlin College, the Musical Arts Association, and Fairmount Presbyterian Church. The collection consists of a Warner & Swasey Company history compiled in 1975 by Walter Bailey. Included is an illustrated typescript; followed by supporting documents, reports, illustrations, publications, and newspaper clippings. A corporate history file contains reports, newspaper clippings, photographs, and publications collected after completion of the written history. 
 Call #:  MS 4657 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Bailey, Walter K. | Warner & Swasey. | Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Machine-tool industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Optical industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Optical instruments -- Design and construction.
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3Title:  Walter K. Bailey Family Papers     
 Creator:  Bailey, Walter K. Family 
 Dates:  1897-1983 
 Abstract:  Walter K. Bailey was a Cleveland, Ohio, businessman. A native of Cleveland and the son of L.A. Bailey, founder of the Bailey Company department store, Walter Bailey was raised in East Cleveland and graduated from Oberlin College in 1919. He went to work for the Warner & Swasey Company, a leading manufacturer of machine tools, especially turret lathes, and telescopes and optical equipment, in 1919. By 1928, the company was the world's leading manufacturer of turret lathes, and during World War II produced half of all the turret lathes made in the U.S. After learning the business on the shop floor, he joined the national sales force of Warner & Swasey in 1921, moving up in management and eventually becoming vice president of sales in 1942. During World War II he was in charge of manufacturing operations, and became vice president of the company in 1949. He was president and chief executive officer from 1955-1962, chairman of the board and chief executive officer from 1962-1964, and chairman of the board until his retirement in 1967. Under Bailey's leadership, Warner & Swasey diversified and acquired several smaller companies, growing into a major international producer of machine tools and related products. Bailey also was active in various philanthropic organizations in Cleveland, and served as a trustee of Oberlin College, the Musical Arts Association, and Fairmount Presbyterian Church. The collection consists of family history, genealogy, and biographical information compiled by the Bailey family, which has been loaned to the Historical Society for microfilming, and returned to the donor. 
 Call #:  MS 4665 
 Extent:  0.40 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize volume/1 roll of microfilm) 
 Subjects:  Bailey, Walter K | Warner & Swasey. | Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Machine-tool industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Optical industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Optical instruments -- Design and construction. | Bailey family.
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4Title:  Frank A. Scott Papers, Series II     
 Creator:  Scott, Frank A. 
 Dates:  1894-1950 
 Abstract:  Frank A. Scott (1873-1949) was a Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and civic leader who was chairman of the Munitions Standards Board of the Council of National Defense and first chairman of the War Industries Board during World War I, as well as chairman of the board of Warner & Swasey Company. The collection consists of correspondence, biographical materials, diaries, personal mementos, speech texts, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, manuscripts, and the diaries of his second wife, Faith Alice Fraser Scott, and her sister, Grace Fraser Waugh. The collection is useful for understanding Scott's personal and business life, including his activities at Warner and Swasey and his work as an administrator at the War Dept. during World War I. Included among the correspondents are Samuel Mather, Theodore Burton, Newton D. Baker, Francis F. Prentiss, and Ambrose Swasey. 
 Call #:  MS 4307 
 Extent:  3.00 linear feet (6 containers) 
 Subjects:  Scott, Frank Augustus, 1873-1949. | Warner & Swasey. | Machine-tool industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Machine-tool industry -- United States. | Optical industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Optical industry -- United States. | World War, 1914-1918 -- United States. | World War, 1914-1918 -- Economic aspects -- United States. | Industrial mobilization -- United States. | Women -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Diaries. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- History -- Sources.
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