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Ohio imprints 1864 in subject [X]
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1Title:  English and French neutrality and the Anglo-French alliance in their relations to the United States & Russia: including an account of the leading policy of France and of England for the last two hundred years, the origin and aims of the alliance, the meaning of the Crimean War, and the reason of the hostile attitude of these two powers towards the United States, and of the movement on Mexico : with a statement of the general resources, the army and navy of England and France, Russia and America, showing the present strength and probable future of these four powers    
 Creator:  Boynton, Charles Brandon, 1806-1883 
 Publication:  C.F. Vent & Co, Cincinnati, [Ohio],1864. 
 Notes:  Includes bibliographical references (p. [7]). 
 Call #:  D363 B791 
 Extent:  576 p. ; 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Eastern question (Balkan) | Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- 1837-1901 | France -- Foreign relations -- 1852-1870 | United States -- Foreign relations -- 1861-1865 | Russia | Ohio imprints 1864
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