Subject • | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | [X] | • | Machine-tool industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Machine-tool industry -- United States -- Photographs. |
| • | Optical industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Optical instruments -- Design and construction -- Photographs. |
| • | Warner & Swasey -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Advertising -- Brewing industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Aerospace industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Aerospace industries -- United States -- Photographs. |
| • | Aircraft industry -- United States -- Photographs. |
| • | Aircraft supplies industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Aircraft supplies industry -- United States -- Photographs. |
| • | Architecture -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Automobile industry and trade -- United States -- Photographs. |
| • | Automobile industry workers -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Automobile industry workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Automobile supplies industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Automobile supplies industry -- United States -- Photographs. |
| • | Bailey, Walter K. -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Bobbie Brooks, Inc. -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Bradner, George T., 1916- -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Bradner, Hosea Townsend, 1872-1963 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Brass industry and trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Brewery workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Brewing industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Brush Electric Light and Power Company -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Buckeye Brass and Manufacturing Company. -- Photographs. |
| • | Buildings -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Centerior Energy Corporation -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Chennault, Claire Lee, 1893-1958 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Commerce -- Photographs. |
| • | Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Cleveland Electric Light Company -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Cleveland General Electric Company -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Clothing factories -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Clothing trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Cochran, Jacqueline -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Construction industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Crawford family -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Crawford, Frederick C., 1891- -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Doolittle, James Harold, 18961993- -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Dunbar Company -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Electric industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. |
| • | Electric power distribution -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. |
| • | Electric power transmission -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. |
| • | Electric power-plants -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. |
| • | Electric utilities -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. |
| • | Employees -- Training of -- Photographs |
| • | Factories -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | First Energy Corporation -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Frederick C. Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Gear industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Gear-cutting machines -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | General Motors Corporation Sit-Down Strike, 1936-1937 -- Photographs. |
| • | General Motors Corporation. Fisher Body Division. Plant No. 1 (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. |
| • | General Motors automobiles -- Photographs. / Automobile industry and trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | German American families -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | German Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Glennan, Thomas Keith, 1905- -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Grant-Lees Machine Company -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Industrial efficiency |
| • | Industrial management -- Indonesia -- Photographs |
| • | Industrial management -- Japan -- Photographs |
| • | Industrial management -- Oho -- Cleveland -- Photographs |
| • | Industries -- Indonesia -- Photographs |
| • | Industries -- Japan -- Photographs |
| • | International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Local 45 (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Lees-Bradner Company -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Leisy Brewing Company (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Leisy family -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Leisy, Otto, 1863-1914 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | McVey, William M., 1905- -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Mellen, Lowell O., 1897-1993 -- Photographs |
| • | Nuclear energy -- Photographs. |
| • | Nuclear power plants -- Ohio -- Photographs. |
| • | Ohio Edison Company -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Optical industry -- United States -- History -- Sources. |
| • | Perry Nuclear Power Plant (Ohio) -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Philanthropists -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Plant shutdowns -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Public utilities -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. |
| • | Saltzman, Maurice, 1918-1990 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Steel Products Co. -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Strikes and lockouts -- Automobile industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Swasey, Ambrose, 1846-1937 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | TRW Inc. -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Telescopes -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Thompson family -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Thompson, Charles E. 1870-1933 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Toledo Edison Company -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Training Within Industry, Inc. (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photographs |
| • | Turner, Roscoe, 1895-1970 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- Photograph collections. |
| • | United States. War Manpower Commission -- Photographs |
| • | Warner, Worcester Reed, 1846-1929 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Western Reserve Historical Society -- Photograph collections. |
| • | White Consolidated Industries -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Women's clothing industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | World War, 1939-1945 -- War work -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| Photograph Collection | Save | 2 | Title: | Dunbar Company Photographs
| | | Creator: | Dunbar Company | | | Dates: | 1910-1970 | | | Abstract: | The Dunbar Company, also known as Dunbar Construction Company, was established in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1884 by William Dunbar, a carpenter. The collection consists of views of commercial, business, industrial, and other buildings, located in Cleveland, Ohio. Included are photographs of the Cleveland Trust Company, Elliott Shoe Company, Pathe Film Company, Dinner Bell Meat Company, Fisher Food Inc., Ohio Bell Telephone Company, Geauga Community Hospital, Slovak Home for the Aged, Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Ursuline College Campus Center, and other representative examples of the company's work. | | | Call #: | PG 314 | | | Extent: | 1.40 linear feet (4 containers) | | | Subjects: | Dunbar Company -- Photograph collections. | Buildings -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Architecture -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Construction industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Commerce -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 3 | Title: | Walter K. Bailey Photographs
| | | Creator: | Bailey, Walter K. | | | Dates: | 1879-1975 | | | Abstract: | Walter K. Bailey was a Cleveland, Ohio, businessman. A native of Cleveland and the son of L.A. Bailey, founder of the Bailey Company department store, Walter Bailey was raised in East Cleveland and graduated from Oberlin College in 1919. He went to work for the Warner & Swasey Company, a leading manufacturer of machine tools, especially turret lathes, and telescopes and optical equipment, in 1919. By 1928, the company was the world's leading manufacturer of turret lathes, and during World War II produced half of all the turret lathes made in the U.S. After learning the business on the shop floor, he joined the national sales force of Warner & Swasey in 1921, moving up in management and eventually becoming vice president of sales in 1942. During World War II he was in charge of manufacturing operations, and became vice president of the company in 1949. He was president and chief executive officer from 1955-1962, chairman of the board and chief executive officer from 1962-1964, and chairman of the board until his retirement in 1967. Under Bailey's leadership, Warner & Swasey diversified and acquired several smaller companies, growing into a major international producer of machine tools and related products. Bailey also was active in various philanthropic organizations in Cleveland, and served as a trustee of Oberlin College, the Musical Arts Association, and Fairmount Presbyterian Church. CThe cection consists of photographs collected by Walter K. Bailey in 1975 to illustrate a narrative history of Warner and Swasey Company. It includes individual and group portraits of Warner & Swasey officers and employees, including W. R. Warner and Ambrose Swasey, and views of plants, products, and activities. | | | Call #: | PG 463 | | | Extent: | 0.10 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Bailey, Walter K. -- Photograph collections. | Warner & Swasey -- Photograph collections. | Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Machine-tool industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Optical industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Optical instruments -- Design and construction -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 4 | Title: | Bobbie Brooks, Inc. Photographs
| | | Creator: | Bobbie Brooks, Inc. | | | Dates: | 1939-1964 | | | Abstract: | Bobbie Brooks, Inc. was founded in 1939 as Ritmore Sportswear in Cleveland, Ohio. Its founders were Maurice Saltzman and Max Reiter. In 1953, Saltzman bought out Reiter's share of the company. The name was changed to Bobbie Brooks in 1960. The company merged with Pubco Corporation in 1985. The collection consists of group portraits of management and employees, including company president Maurice Saltzman. The lantern slides consist of portraits of Saltzman, employees, and others; and views of plant facilities, advertising, and philanthropic activities. | | | Call #: | PG 489 | | | Extent: | 0.60 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Bobbie Brooks, Inc. -- Photograph collections. | Clothing factories -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Clothing trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Saltzman, Maurice, 1918-1990 -- Photograph collections. | Women's clothing industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 5 | Title: | Warner and Swasey Company Photographs
| | | Creator: | Warner and Swasey Company | | | Dates: | 1900-1978 | | | Abstract: | The Warner and Swasey Company was a leading manufacturer of machine tools, especially turret lathes, and telescopes and optical equipment. By 1928, the company was the world's leading manufacturer of turret lathes, and during World War II produced half of all the turret lathes made in the United States. The company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1881 by Worcester R. Warner, who had a passionate interest in astronomy, and Ambrose Swasey. The company was bought by the Bendix Corporation of Michigan in 1980, which was taken over by Allied in 1983, which, in turn, sold it to Cross and Trecker in 1984. The collection consists of portraits of Ambrose Swasey, Worchester Reed Warner, the Warner and Swasey Company, its personnel, plants, and products. Products depicted include telescopes, scientific instruments, textile machines, and machine tools. Also included are views of the residences and personal observatory of Ambrose Swasey and Worchester Reed Warner. The collection was originally compiled as a reference source for use by company personnel and for publicity purposes. Included in this collection is written descriptive material that corresponds to the photographs. | | | Call #: | PG 270 | | | Extent: | 0.60 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Swasey, Ambrose, 1846-1937 -- Photograph collections. | Warner, Worcester Reed, 1846-1929 -- Photograph collections. | Warner & Swasey -- Photograph collections. | Optical instruments -- Design and construction -- Photographs. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Machine-tool industry -- United States -- Photographs. | Optical industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Machine-tool industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Telescopes -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Optical industry -- United States -- History -- Sources.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 6 | Title: | Leisy Brewing Company Photographs
| | | Creator: | Leisy Brewing Company | | | Dates: | 1870-1960 | | | Abstract: | The Leisy Brewing Company was a Cleveland, Ohio, based brewery which began as Isaac Leisy & Co. in 1873. Once Cleveland's largest independent brewery, it had branch agencies in Ohio, western Pa., and Indiana, and gained a reputation for its Premium Lager and Budweiser beers, before that became a brand name. Production in 1890 was over 90,000 barrels, and rose to 355,000 barrels by 1917. When the company closed in 1959, it was the oldest brewery in Cleveland and one of the longest surviving family-operated breweries in America. The collection consists of individual portraits of Otto Leisy and his family; unidentified individual and group portraits of Leisy Brewing Company staff; Leisy staff party portraits; views of the Leisy family residence; and exterior and interior views of the Leisy plant complex at various stages. The majority of photographs depict various aspects of Leisy advertising and include views of billboards, taxi posters, displays, horse-drawn and motorized delivery vehicles, and the Leisy company mascot. A bound album contains reproductions of product labels and advertising. | | | Call #: | PG 422 | | | Extent: | 0.60 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Leisy, Otto, 1863-1914 -- Photograph collections. | Leisy family -- Photograph collections. | Leisy Brewing Company (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Brewing industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | German Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Advertising -- Brewing industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Brewery workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | German American families -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 7 | Title: | Lees-Bradner Company Photographs
| | | Creator: | Lees-Bradner Company | | | Dates: | 1915-1965 | | | Abstract: | The Lees-Bradner Company was organized in 1906 as a partnership between Ernest J. Lees and Hosea Townsend Bradner of Cleveland, Ohio. It incorporated in 1909. The company specialized in gear hobbing and thread milling machinery for automobile timing and transmission gears and other applications. Hosea Bradner's sons; John A., George T., and James H. Bradner, ran the company in the post-World War II era. The company was purchased by White Consolidated Industries in 1967 and by 1983 the name Lees-Bradner had been phased out and the Cleveland plant closed. After White Consolidated Industries was itself purchased by Electrolux in 1986, the gear hobbing division was sold and the name Lees-Bradner was reinstated as a machine tool manufacturer. The collection consists of individual portraits of Hosea Townsend Bradner, George Townsend Bradner, and John Bradner; group portraits of employees, including production workers, managers and sales personnel; and views of products, facilities, and activities. | | | Call #: | PG 462 | | | Extent: | 0.20 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize folder) | | | Subjects: | Bradner, Hosea Townsend, 1872-1963 -- Photograph collections. | Bradner, George T., 1916- -- Photograph collections. | Lees-Bradner Company -- Photograph collections. | White Consolidated Industries -- Photograph collections. | Grant-Lees Machine Company -- Photograph collections. | Machine-tool industry -- United States -- Photographs. | Machine-tool industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Gear industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Gear-cutting machines -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 8 | Title: | General Motors Corporation, Fisher Body Division, Plant No. 1 Photographs
| | | Creator: | General Motors Corporation, Fisher Body Division, Plant No. 1 | | | Dates: | 1926-1983 | | | Abstract: | Plant No. 1 of the Fisher Body Division of the General Motors Corporation opened in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1921 as part of the Fisher Body Company. Fisher produced automobile bodies, and in 1926 became part of the General Motors Corporation. During World War II the plant produced tank and gun parts and engine parts for airplanes, wartime employment totalling 14,000, including a large number of women. After the war the plant produced large stamping dies and upholstery and trim sets rather than auto bodies. General Motors closed the plant in 1983. The plant was involved in several bitter strikes during the 1930s, including the 1936-1937 sit-down strike to gain union recognition by GM, which began at the plant. The plant was also known as the Coit Road Plant. The collection consists of individual and group portraits of plant managers and supervisors, award dinners and presentations, open houses, visits of General Motors officials and politicians, and World War II-related photographs of award ceremonies, portraits of employees who died in action, and a postwar visit by General Douglas MacArthur. Views include aerial and exterior photographs of the plant and photographs of production and facilities. | | | Call #: | PG 389 | | | Extent: | 0.90 linear feet (3 containers) | | | Subjects: | General Motors Corporation. Fisher Body Division. Plant No. 1 (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Local 45 (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | General Motors automobiles -- Photographs. / Automobile industry and trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Automobile industry and trade -- United States -- Photographs. | Automobile industry workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Automobile industry workers -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Strikes and lockouts -- Automobile industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Plant shutdowns -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | General Motors Corporation Sit-Down Strike, 1936-1937 -- Photographs. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 9 | Title: | Lowell O. Mellen Photographs
| | | Creator: | Mellen, Lowell O. | | | Dates: | 1941-1959 | | | Abstract: | Lowell O. Mellen (1897-1993) was a business consultant in Cleveland, Ohio, who pioneered the training techniques of Training Within Industry (TWI) as a representative of the War Manpower Commission in the Northern District of Ohio during World War II. After the war, he was recruited by General Douglas MacArthur to train supervisors and workers in Japan in the techniques of Training Within Industry in order to quickly stabilize the Japanese economy by making its industrial base more efficient. Mellen's company, Training Within Industry, Inc., trained over one million supervisors and workers in Japan. Mellen's training programs in job instruction, job methods, job relations, problem solving, and job safety are credited as the foundation for industrial programs that stress continuous improvement and lean management. The collection consists of 121 black and white photographs and one 16mm black and white motion picture film. | | | Call #: | PG 596 | | | Extent: | 0.30 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Employees -- Training of -- Photographs | Industrial efficiency | Industrial management -- Indonesia -- Photographs | Industrial management -- Japan -- Photographs | Industrial management -- Oho -- Cleveland -- Photographs | Industries -- Indonesia -- Photographs | Industries -- Japan -- Photographs | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Mellen, Lowell O., 1897-1993 -- Photographs | Training Within Industry, Inc. (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photographs | United States. War Manpower Commission -- Photographs | World War, 1939-1945 -- War work -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 10 | Title: | Centerior Energy Corporation Photographs
| | | Creator: | Centerior Energy Corporation | | | Dates: | 1857-1987 | | | Abstract: | The Centerior Energy Corporation was founded in 1892 in Cleveland, Ohio, as the Cleveland General Electric Company, with a franchise from the General Electric Company of Boston, Massachusetts. In 1893, assets of the Brush Electric Light and Power Company and of the Cleveland Electric Light Company were transferred to the Cleveland General Electric Company, forming the nucleus of a new organization. On July 21, 1894, the name of the company was changed to the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (CEI). In 1926, the company purchased the Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern Railroad Company and its subsidiary, The United Light and Power Company. Other power companies in the northeastern Ohio region were purchased during this time. In 1947 control of the company returned to the hands of public investors, and new power plants continued to be added to the system. The company's first nuclear power plant, the Davis-Besse facility, became fully operational in 1978. A second nuclear power facility, the Perry Nuclear Power Plant, was subsequently added. In 1986 Centerior Energy Corporation, an affiliation between CEI and the Toledo Edison Company, was formed to become one of the largest electric systems in the United States. In 1996, Centerior Energy Corporation and the Ohio Edison Company merged into a new holding company, First Energy Corporation. The collection consists of individual portraits of CEI presidents, including Myron T. Herrick, Ralph M. Besse, and Elmer L. Lindseth, as well as presidents of the Toledo Edison Company. Individual and group portraits of employees, Board of Directors, retirees, and views of employee-related events form a large part of this collection. Materials used in marketing campaigns are included, as well as campaigns developed to promote the use of electric power and electrical appliances after World War II. The collection contains extensive visual documentation on the construction, acquisition, maintenance,and repair of infrastructure in a major metropolitan powergrid. Changes in electrical power generation and distribution equipment are depicted. Views of most CEI facilities, including offices, the Illuminating Building in downtown Cleveland, operating plants, sub-stations, and switching stations are included. Construction of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant is extensively documented. | | | Call #: | PG 499 | | | Extent: | 9.40 linear feet (24 containers) | | | Subjects: | Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company -- Photograph collections. | Perry Nuclear Power Plant (Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Centerior Energy Corporation -- Photograph collections. | Cleveland General Electric Company -- Photograph collections. | Toledo Edison Company -- Photograph collections. | Ohio Edison Company -- Photograph collections. | Brush Electric Light and Power Company -- Photograph collections. | Cleveland Electric Light Company -- Photograph collections. | First Energy Corporation -- Photograph collections. | Electric utilities -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. | Electric industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. | Electric power distribution -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. | Electric power transmission -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. | Electric power-plants -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. | Public utilities -- Ohio -- Cleveland Metropolitan Area -- Photographs. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Nuclear energy -- Photographs. | Nuclear power plants -- Ohio -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 11 | Title: | Frederick C. Crawford Family Photographs
| | | Creator: | Crawford, Frederick C. Family | | | Dates: | 1869-1994 | | | Abstract: | Frederick C. Crawford (1891-1994) was a Cleveland, Ohio, industrialist and philanthropist. Crawford headed Thompson Products, Inc. (later TRW Inc.) as it moved from an automotive and aircraft parts manufacturer into the aviation and aerospace industries. A leader of Cleveland's philanthropic community, Crawford served on the boards of many cultural institutions. He was appointed to the Western Reserve Historical Society Board of Trustees in 1944 and later served as it's president. He was instrumental in the transfer of the Thompson Auto Album and Aviation Museum collection to WRHS in the 1960s, which became the nucleus of the Frederick C. Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum of WRHS. Crawford was married twice; to Audrey Cecelia Bowles in 1932, and to Kathleen M. Saxon in 1975. The collection consists of individual and group portraits of Frederick C. Crawford and various Crawford family members. Views of various Crawford family homes are included, as are images from travels taken by Crawford. Portraits and views of Steel Products Co. and Thompson Products Inc. facilities and employees, including Thompson Products president Charles E. Thompson and Thompson family members, are also part of the collection. Pioneers in the aviation and aerospace industries are represented in the collection and include James E. Doolittle, T. Keith Glennan, aviatrix Jacqueline Cochran, and three time Thompson Trophy Race winner Roscoe Turner. Others depicted include Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, General Claire Chennault, and William M. McVey. Groups Crawford was associated with, including the Western Reserve Historical Society, Harvard University, and various national aeronautic associations and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), are also part of the collection, as are portraits and views depicting the National Air Races. | | | Call #: | PG 513 | | | Extent: | 16.10 linear feet (36 containers and 1 oversize folder) | | | Subjects: | Crawford, Frederick C., 1891- -- Photograph collections. | Crawford family -- Photograph collections. | Thompson, Charles E. 1870-1933 -- Photograph collections. | Thompson family -- Photograph collections. | Doolittle, James Harold, 18961993- -- Photograph collections. | Glennan, Thomas Keith, 1905- -- Photograph collections. | McVey, William M., 1905- -- Photograph collections. | Cochran, Jacqueline -- Photograph collections. | Turner, Roscoe, 1895-1970 -- Photograph collections. | MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964 -- Photograph collections. | Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 -- Photograph collections. | Chennault, Claire Lee, 1893-1958 -- Photograph collections. | TRW Inc. -- Photograph collections. | Steel Products Co. -- Photograph collections. | Thompson Products, inc. -- Photograph collections. | Western Reserve Historical Society -- Photograph collections. | Frederick C. Crawford Auto-Aviation Museum -- Photograph collections. | United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- Photograph collections. | Businessmen -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Philanthropists -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Automobile supplies industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Aircraft supplies industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Aerospace industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Industries -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Automobile supplies industry -- United States -- Photographs. | Aircraft supplies industry -- United States -- Photographs. | Aircraft industry -- United States -- Photographs. | Aerospace industries -- United States -- Photographs.
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