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Student teaching -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. in subject [X]
Universities and colleges -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Cleveland Commission on Higher Education Records     
 Creator:  Cleveland Commission on Higher Education 
 Dates:  1952-1983 
 Abstract:  The Cleveland Commission on Higher Education is a Cleveland, Ohio, organization of area colleges and universities which focuses on cooperative efforts and common problem solving. The group conducts studies of educational needs, develops long range objectives, and, generally, promotes higher education within the community. The commission was instrumental in the founding of Cuyahoga Community College and the transition of Fenn College to Cleveland State University. It has also been involved in projects to improve the teacher training process for secondary teachers, especially inner-city teachers. The collection consists of minutes, financial records, correspondence, memoranda, officers files, project files, subject files, and other material relating to the operation of the organization. Included are the papers of Hugh Calkins, Frank E. Joseph, and Evan A. Lloyd, officers of the commission. The collection is useful for understanding the issues and problems facing higher education in Cuyahoga County and for understanding the development of Cuyahoga Community College, as well as documenting the cooperative efforts among area institutions of higher education in developing joint programs and courses. 
 Call #:  MS 4300 
 Extent:  39.00 linear feet (39 containers) 
 Subjects:  Cleveland Commission on Higher Education -- Archives. | Cuyahoga Community College. | Cleveland State University. | Education, Higher -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Teachers -- Training of -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Student teaching -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | Universities and colleges -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County. | University cooperation -- Ohio -- Cuyahoga County.
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