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Budweig family. in subject [X]
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Manuscript Collection in format [X]
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Budweig family.[X]
Budweig, Edward. (1)
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland.[X]
Thorman family. (1)
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1Title:  Edward Budweig Papers     
 Creator:  Budweig, Edward 
 Dates:  1854-1906 
 Abstract:  Edward Budweig was a Cleveland, Ohio, Jewish businessman and partner in S. Thorman and Company. He was married to Esther Thorman, the daughter of one of Cleveland's first Jewish settlers, Simson Thorman. Unfortunately the Budweigs' marriage was strained by Edward's extensive travels. Esther divorced him and later married Jacob Weiner. Budweig also suffered from ill-health which caused him to relocate temporarily to Mexico, resulting in his termination by S. Thorman and Company. The collection consists of correspondence, mainly from Edward Budweig to his wife and children (1866-1888), approximately half of which is in German, an agreement, a wedding invitation, a certificate, an affidavit, by-laws of the masonic order, Western Star, Lodge No. 2, receipts, and account books. 
 Call #:  MS 3791 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Budweig, Edward. | Thorman family. | Budweig family. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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