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Farmers -- California -- Correspondence. in subject [X]
Voyages to the Pacific coast. in subject [X]
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1Title:  John Weld Brown Letters     
 Creator:  Brown, John Weld 
 Dates:  1851-1866 
 Abstract:  John Weld Brown (b. 1828) was a farmer, trader, and gold miner in and around Nevada City, Marysville, and Yuba City, California. The collection consists of letters from Brown to relatives in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and in Rhode Island, relating to his journey from Cleveland, Ohio, to Nevada City, California, 1851-1852, and his subsequent activities, and touching upon the hardships of the trip by boat to the West, the economic situation in California, and personal and family matters. 
 Call #:  MS 0350 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Brown family. | Brown, John Weld, b. 1828. | Travelers -- United States -- Correspondence. | Voyages to the Pacific coast. | Farmers -- California -- Correspondence. | Gold miners -- California -- Correspondence. | California -- Description and travel -- 19th century.
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