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Grand Army of the Republic. Forest City Post, No. 556 (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
Soldiers -- Ohio. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Albert G. Jones Papers     
 Creator:  Jones, Albert G. 
 Dates:  1851-1930 
 Abstract:  Albert G. Jones was an American Civil War veteran born in Lake County, Ohio. Jones served as a 2nd Lieutenant, 27th United States Colored Troops, a unit primarily composed of Ohio soldiers, from January 1864-September 1865. He was appointed 1st Lieutenant in September 1864, and in 1865 was appointed Assistant Adjutant General. The 27th USCT participated in the campaign that captured Fort Fisher and Wilmington, North Carolina. After the war, Jones returned to Cleveland, where he worked as a laborer, clerk, and sewer inspector. In 1870, he was appointed Assistant Marshal, Northern District of Ohio, 9th United States Census. He was a charter member of the Grand Army of the Republic, Forest City Post Number 556. The collection consists of correspondence, deeds, and memorabilia. 
 Call #:  MS 4808 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Jones, Albert G., 1842-1919. | United States. Army. Colored Infantry Regiment, 27th (1864-1865). | Grand Army of the Republic. Forest City Post, No. 556 (Cleveland, Ohio) | United States. Army -- African American troops. | Afro-American soldiers -- Ohio. | Soldiers -- Ohio. | African Americans -- Ohio. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, Afro-American, [Indian, etc.] | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories.
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