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Real property -- Ohio. in subject [X]
Cowan, Christopher, 1780-1835. in subject [X]
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Cowan, Christopher, 1780-1835.[X]
Kirkpatrick, Abraham, 1749-1817 -- Estate. (1)
Ohio -- Description and travel. (1)
Real property -- Ohio.[X]
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1Title:  Christopher Cowan Papers     
 Creator:  Cowan, Christopher 
 Dates:  1784-1826 
 Abstract:  Christopher Cowan (1780-1835) was a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, industrialist who built the city's first rolling mill. He was the son-in-law of Major Abraham Kirkpatrick, Revolutionary War soldier and one of Pittsburgh's early pioneers. The collection consists of correspondence, agreements, powers of attorney, and other papers, concerning the estate of Abraham Kirkpatrick and the disposal of land in Ohio's Virginia Military District. Includes an unsigned letter to Col. John Neville, Woodville, Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania 1784, containing entries made while the writer traveled through the area of southern Ohio, with a sketch showing rivers, names of settlements, and Indian camps. 
 Call #:  MS 1328 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Cowan, Christopher, 1780-1835. | Kirkpatrick, Abraham, 1749-1817 -- Estate. | Real property -- Ohio. | Ohio -- Description and travel.
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