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Plume family. in subject [X]
Fisher family. in subject [X]
Results:  1 Item
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Brown family. (1)
Farrin family. (1)
Fisher family.[X]
Johnson family. (1)
Plume family.[X]
Schenk family. (1)
Van Wagner family. (1)
Women's rights. (1)
World War, 1914-1918. (1)
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1Title:  Johnson Family Papers     
 Creator:  Johnson Family 
 Dates:  1811-1977 
 Abstract:  John Cumming Johnson (1828-1892) moved to Memphis, Tennessee, from Franklin, Ohio, in 1854. In 1856 he married Mary Anne Elizabeth Fisher (1834-1883). They were active in many philanthropic enterprises, especially education. Johnson and his son, William Cumming Johnson (1870-1958), were involved in the cotton trade. William Cumming Johnson was a major stockholder in the Tennessee Fiber Company and had extensive real estate dealings in Florida. In 1877 he married Sarah Evangeline Harvey (1870-1930). Their son, William Cumming Johnson, Jr. (born 1904), married a great-granddaughter of Noah Mayo Farrin and Agnes Saline Faris Farrin. The collection consists of diaries of John and Elizabeth Johnson, correspondence of the Farrin and Johnson families, genealogical material on the Johnson, Fisher, Plume, Van Wagenen, Schenck, and Brown families, two memory books of William Johnson, Jr., an index to the memory books of Evangeline Johnson, and miscellaneous documents including clippings, estate papers of John and William Johnson, memorials for John and Elizabeth Johnson, and a key to the family code. Major topics of the papers include World War I and women's rights. 
 Call #:  MS 3782 
 Extent:  0.60 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Johnson family. | Farrin family. | Fisher family. | Plume family. | Van Wagner family. | Schenk family. | Brown family. | World War, 1914-1918. | Women's rights.
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