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Magna Carta in subject [X]
Great Britain -- Charters, grants, privileges in subject [X]
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Constitutional history -- Great Britain (1)
Great Britain -- Charters, grants, privileges[X]
Magna Carta[X]
1Title:  An historical essay on the Magna charta of King John: to which are added, the Great charter in Latin and English, the charters of liberties and confirmations, granted by Henry III. and Edward I., the original Charter of the forests, and various authentic instruments connected with them : explanatory notes on their several privileges, a descriptive account of the principal originals and editions extant, both in print and manuscript, and other illustrations, derived from the most interesting and authentic sources    
 Creator:  Thomson, Richard, 1794-1865 
 Publication:  Printed for J. Major and R. Jennings, London,1829. 
 Notes:  Includes bibliographical references and index. 
 Call #:  JN147 T48 
 Extent:  xxxii, 612 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. 
 Subjects:  Magna Carta | Constitutional history -- Great Britain | Great Britain -- Charters, grants, privileges
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