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Military Hospitals -- France. in subject [X]
Rowland, Amy F. (Amy Farley), b. 1872. in subject [X]
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Military Hospitals -- France.[X]
Rowland, Amy F. (Amy Farley), b. 1872.[X]
United States. Army. Base Hospital No. 4. (1)
World War, 1914-1918 -- Hospitals. (1)
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1Title:  Amy F. Rowland Papers     
 Creator:  Rowland, Amy F. 
 Dates:  1917-1924 
 Abstract:  Amy Farley Rowland (1872-1953) was executive secretary to Dr. George W. Crile at the United States Army Base Hospital No. 4 (Lakeside Unit) in France, 1917-1918, during World War I. She later headed the editorial department of the Cleveland Clinic (1921-1926) and engaged in biophysical research there in the 1940s. The collection consists of diary entries, memoranda, and letters, the bulk of which relate to the Lakeside Unit in 1917 and 1918. 
 Call #:  MS 3692 
 Extent:  1.20 linear feet (3 containers) 
 Subjects:  Rowland, Amy F. (Amy Farley), b. 1872. | United States. Army. Base Hospital No. 4. | World War, 1914-1918 -- Hospitals. | Military Hospitals -- France.
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