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Necrologies. in subject [X]
Methodist Church. in subject [X]
Methodists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Hope-Wesley United Methodist Church Records     
 Creator:  Hope-Wesley United Methodist Church 
 Dates:  1851-1969 
 Abstract:  Hope-Wesley United Methodist Church was formed in 1973, in Cleveland, Ohio, by the merger of Hope United Methodist and Wesley Methodist churches. Hope United was formed in 1967 by the merger of Emanuel Evangelical United Brethren (est. 1865) and First Evangelical United Brethren (est. 1854), two early German churches. Wesley Methodist was formed in 1947 by the merger of St. Paul's (est. 1853) and Franklin Ave. (est. 1833) Methodist Episcopal churches. the collection consists of minutes, reports, financial records, legal documents, marriage licenses, guest books, transfers, correspondence, church histories, programs, bulletins, publications, and registers of births, baptisms, marriages and deaths of the five predecessor churches of Hope Wesley-United Methodist Church. 
 Call #:  MS 3583 
 Extent:  8.30 linear feet (20 containers and 4 oversize volumes) 
 Subjects:  Methodist Episcopal Church -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Churches -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Methodist Church. | Methodist Church -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Methodists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Methodists, German -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Church records and registers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Registers of births, etc. -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Baptismal certificates. | Marriage records -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Necrologies. | German Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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